Epilogue | Perfect

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Clappter and yells were heard all around. Hailey felt the butterflies in her stomach begin to flutter as she saw the man she loved stand up. She watched as Zac accepted his diploma, smiling as he stepped off the stage. He was finally graduating from Michigan State University with a double major. He'd be receiving his Bachelors degree in Management as well as Biology. He'd have to run the family business soon, but he also had the degree in science in case being a CEO didn't pan out accordingly.

Hailey was proud of him and everything he had accomplished. It had been difficult for the two of them to get accustomed to not being in the same state. Hailey would pour herself into work and her family to forget he wasn't home. There were times where all she wanted was to be in his arms. They wouldn't even have to talk to fill up that space in her heart, but they were thousands of miles apart, so she knew talking would be all they could do. But, Hailey knew it would all be worth it in the end. It had to be.

Zac had it the worse. He would crave being near Hailey every day. He'd go to class and then football practice. Every second he'd be thinking of the girl he left behind. He thought he made the wrong choice of chasing his dream school because he was losing his dream girl. He began to search for ways to keep his mind off of her.

When football started to become more intense and classes started going deeper into their subjects, the thoughts of Hailey slowly started to disappear. He still loved Hailey and wished to be with her, but he was starting to let himself enjoy university life. He started making friends and hanging out with them. Overall, he was beginning to enjoy his new life.

He'd always make sure to call Hailey when he finally did make it back to his place after a long day. They had a three hour time difference, so no matter what time he called, he knew Hailey would answer. They would talk endlessly about anything and everything. Zac didn't even care if she was ranting about how Luke got on her nerves. He just loved listening to her voice. When they did talk, he'd imagine that she was laying on his chest, in his arms. He missed her, a lot. He'd count down the days until he'd see her again.

As the fourth year came, Zac and Hailey knew the drill. They'd call each other late at night and talk about their day. If Zac was playing in California, Josh would drive Hailey to the game, no matter how far. Hailey loved seeing Zac play the sport he loved. That's how she knew he made the right choice by moving to Michigan. It was only a small sacrifice they made in order to be even happier in the future.

Zac managed to help his team make it to the championship. It was the best possible way to end his football career. As much as he loved the sport, he didn't want to play professionally. He had a wonderful girlfriend he couldn't wait to come home to. Plus, as much as his father didn't approve of his choice in school, he was handing over the family company to him. Zac was nervous, but he knew he was destined for that. He'd try his best to be as great as his mother and father are when it comes to running it.

Over the years, his mother tried to be a mom. She would fly out once a month to visit him. Zac enjoyed that time with her. He would always cherish whatever time he had. Even if it did take her some time to start acting like a parent, Zac loved her and wouldn't change her for the world. Now for his father, he was still a strict and scary businessman, but he did call ever so often to ask how he was. Zac knew how awkward it was for his father, so he tried to make the most out of it. After all, they were his parents.

Another reason his parents were passing the company over to him, was because they were finally planning on getting a divorce. His mom had a great guy she wanted to marry. He had got to meet him a few times over FaceTime and once when he came with his mom to Michigan. Zac hated that his parents weren't a loving couple, but he knew his mom deserved that happiness. So, as soon as the name of the business is in Zac's name, his mom would be filing for divorce. Once that was set, Zac could start doing whatever he pleased. Zac was excited to finally start living his life with the girl he loved.

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