Chapter : 7 Everything was normal before.

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Rose's Pov:

Everything happened so fast I did't understand what to do. Everything was fucked up right now. I was having a mini panic attack. I did't even realize when I started sobbing uncontrolably. 

After about 20 more minutes of crying I got myself up and stared to set my room properly. I needed something to do so that I could erase all the things happened today. 

I was almost done when someone knocked on my door. I turned around to see Riley standing there. I tried to hide my face so that he could not see my eyes which were probably still red of all the crying. And I didn't want them to know what happened in between me and Jason.

" Hey "  He said. I wanted to reply but seriously I couldn't find my voice to speak. 

" H-Hey " My voice crooked a little.

" Are you fine? Like you don't look fine. Your eyes are red and your voice seems kind of sore. " I didn't know what to reply.

" No no , I am totally fine just a little feverish " I said nervously. My words came out very fake and I for sure knew he is not gonna take this.

" You know I know when you lie and perhaps I heard about the your little fight with Jason so yeah nothing to hide " Shit! He knew. But how come. Yeah of course we were so loud, every person in this whole world could here us. 

Okay wait it came out a little wrong. I didn't mean it that way! Fuck! Okay leave it.

" What are you talking about? " I asked 

" You know what I am talking about " 

" Listen, there's a mis- " I was cut off by him.

" No you listen, I know what happened between you and Jason and I am for sure not gonna force you to spill it out. Just know one thing whatever that fight was about, it was a serious fight and I must tell you to sought things out with him. It's really important to do so. "

He gave that speech and went away before I could say anything about it. I sighed and fought with my mind what to do about it. Should I go and talk to him? Nops not at all I am for sure not gonna let this guy see me weak. And perhaps after what happened on that day which I remember clearly, I am not gonna let this guy control my whole life. With that fell to my bed and drifted off to sleep.

Jason's Pov:

I was angry no actually furious. I wanted nothing other than getting it out all of that out of  my mind. How can she not see that dick is a dick. I mean of course she knew about that but she was in a denial. Or something else.

Did she love him?

How come did she love him?

Why does she love him?

How many times did she have sex with him?

why doesn't sh- wait what the fuck are you thinking Jason stop that. Stop. Stop. STOP!!

I shrugged off everything going on my mind and concentrated on the road. You know that's why I didn't wanted her to come here. I just can't keep my emotions inside of me. Everything before she came. I don't understand what she does that brings all the emotions together. I just wish she never came.

It was 9:13. I went inside the club and ordered myself some vodka shots and drank them all together. The liquid was burning my throat too very much but it felt so good.


Rose's Mom's Pov:

I invited Connor to have some cake and make him spill out everything. I knew that he knew everything cause he was there when Jason was there. Riley came very late so he must not know thae whole thing and Connor would be easy to spill it all out from.

" Hello Mrs Walker  " 

" Hello dear. Wanna have some cake? I made it for everyone thought I could have you taste them " I said.

" Sure. Why not " 

As he was eating and I thought it was the best time to ask him. I waited for him to finish his cake so e would be free and would tell me the whole story. 

As soon as he finished I got my self ready.

" It was actually really great Mrs Walker. I loved it and I am sure everyone else would too. " I smiled and asked him the question I have been so eagerly waiting to ask.

" Dear, do you know what happened between Rose and Jason. I mean I don't want to know the what happened now, I want to know what was the history, what did these two have as as secret? I am sure you know that. Would you please tell me " I really wished he would tell me but wasn't sure if he would.

" I am sorry Mrs Walker, I would have answered any other question you would have asked but this one question is something too much to answer, I just could't. Actually I am not the one to answer this question or discuss about someone's personal matter. I know it because they trusted me with this. I am sorry but I can't "  With this he left.

I was shocked. I didn't knew what to say. I stood still there. I thought he would have answered it all but surely I was wrong as hell.

But I wasn't going  to give up so easily. 

Connor's Pov:

I knew something was up when Mrs Walker called me to taste some cake. And unfortunately I was correct I didn't knew she would ask such a question, I mean I am no one to discuss about other's personal life. I mean sure she would be curious to know her daughter's life but I wasn't for sure the one to tell her. One day Rose herself would go and tell her, but me? No.

Right now I knew I just need to wait and watch what happens next.


Hey guyz  so here's another chapter from my story and I hope you all liked this and if you did do vote this chapter and follow me.

*So for now, what do you think happenes next?

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But don't worry, every question will be answered in the upcoming chapters. Just keep updated and to do so follow me. 

Love from mah side.....................;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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