Chapter 7

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Asher Halen:

As soon as the door opened, the guys and I all let out a chorus of enthusiastic "Hey's" and cheers. All of our voices were pretty much drowned out by the squeals of the couple dozen girls and handful of guys that were waiting in the hallway, though. 

This was always one of my favorite parts of any concert: the meet and greet. It was cool to interact with the fans that made our lives possible. Plus, it was a pretty great ego boost, not gonna lie. 

A girl with curly red hair and glasses was practically hyperventilating as she stepped up to the small makeshift backdrop that had been set up for photos. I smiled widely at her, hoping to ease some of her nerves, but that only seemed to make her breathe even harder. The Sharpie that she was gripping in her hand for autographs looked like it was about to snap in half from how hard she was squeezing it. 

"Hello, love, what's your name?" Leo asked her in a soothing voice as he gently pried the Sharpie from her fingers and began signing her T-shirt. Leo had always been the best at handling the more anxious fans. Despite his antics when it was just us guys, he did have sort of a big-brotherly vibe about him. 

"S-Samantha," the girl said after a deep breath, finally relaxing enough to flash a beautiful smile.

"You have one of the best smiles I think I've ever seen," I told her sincerely when it was my turn to sign her shirt. She blushed right up to the roots of her hair, her skin turning almost the same shade of red as her fiery locks. 

"Th-thanks," she stammered shyly. "Yours is better," she said with another smile in what seemed to be a sudden act of boldness. 

I grinned and winked at her in response before throwing my arm around her for the photo op. All of the guys huddled around her, and I could practically feel the heat radiating off of her cheeks as we all posed for a picture. 

The line of fans moved steadily along this way until we were almost at the end. I had just finished signing a little girl's Ten Minutes to Midnight school folder when I happened to glance up at the next people in line.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that I think my heart skipped a beat. 

I was momentarily taken aback by how pretty the girls were. The taller one, who was talking about a mile a minute while the shorter one appeared to be ignoring her, had long blonde hair and the kind of crystal blue eyes that caught your attention even from halfway across a room. She was wearing one of our band's t-shirts, but the neck had been cut off so that it dipped down low across her shoulder, exposing perfectly smooth, unblemished skin. She could have easily been any one of the hundreds of models I had come across in my career.

It was the shorter one, however, that seemed to catch my attention and hold it. Thick brown hair fell in waves across her shoulders and down her back, and her hazel eyes were narrowed slightly  as she listened to the bombardment of syllables falling from her friend's mouth. Her skin was tan, but there were still freckles poking through across her nose and over her shoulders, which were clearly on display in her strapless crop top. 

I didn't even realize that I had been staring until her eyes suddenly flicked up from the floor and met mine, sending a small buzz through me. She furrowed her brow in confusion and pointedly averted her gaze to the side, effectively breaking me out of my little trance. 

I vaguely noticed the security guard next to the table calling out for the next people in line, and suddenly the attractive pair were walking towards us. The blonde one looked giddy and excited, like all of her wildest dreams were about to come true. The brunette...well...didn't. 

"Hi," the blonde gushed, stepping confidently up to Leo and leaning over to give him a hug. Leo looked taken aback for a bit by her boldness, his eyes opening wide and his arms open limply to his sides. The security guard took a step forward, but Leo stopped him with a wave of his hand before wrapping both of his arms tightly around the tall blonde with a cheeky smirk. I, apparently, wasn't the only one who had noticed how pretty the girls were.

The blonde made her way down the line, hugging each of us in turn all while chatting like we were old friends. 

"I'm Ashley," she said easily, as if we were all simply meeting at a friendly backyard barbecue instead of backstage at a sold-out concert. "I'm a HUGE fan of you guys, and I totally can't believe I'm here right now."

She clapped her hands excitedly and put one hand on my shoulder, leaning in like she was about to tell me a secret. 

"You were PHENOMENAL," she gushed sincerely, placing her other hand over her heart. "Chills. Seriously."

I smiled confidently and thanked her, trying not to be too obvious about the fact that her words were inflating my head to about six times its normal size. 

"Oh!" the blonde suddenly shouted, her pretty eyes growing to double their normal size. "I almost forgot." She giggled as she reached over and grabbed the arm of the brunette, dragging her over to stand next to her. "This is my sister, Paisley."

Paisley glared at her sister for a brief moment before turning her attention to me, giving me a reluctant smile and then moving her eyes down the line to include the rest of the band members. 

Paisley, huh? Pretty...

"Hey. You guys did great," she said casually, tilting her head slightly to the side and smiling to show her sincerity. 

Suddenly, a girl with platinum blonde hair and a ton of eye makeup stepped out of the line of fans still waiting and glared at Paisley with her hands crossed over her chest. 

"Paisley?" she spat incredulously, her overly-glossed lips glinting weirdly in the fluorescent lights. "Paisley Monroe? What are YOU doing here?"


A/N: Hello, lovelies! Is it just me, or do you always feel weird writing character descriptions from another character's POV? Like...I'm not a guy - I don't know how they would describe a girl when they see her for the first time. I tried not to be too cheesy with Asher's descriptions of Paisley and Ashley, because he IS a mega playboy. He's seen tons of pretty girls and it's not like he's instantly fallen in love with Paisley or whatever. I just wanted to get the point across that Paisley and her sister are both very pretty girls, and that people notice that about them pretty quickly. Maybe I should ask my husband and brother what some of the first things they notice about women are...

On the other hand, maybe that might not be such a great idea...LOL

Anyways, what do you think Mackenzie is gonna say or do when she calls out Paisley? Stay tuned!

Xo, Adrienna 

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