Chapter 21

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Paisley Monroe:

The next few hours were hectic to say the least. The boys and I were all shuffled around to various locations, where I was made to ensure the legal department, public relations, and the managerial staff of my complete mental competence. "Severe dehydration leading to delusion" was the excuse the guys had come up with for me, and I muttered it obediently to everyone who asked.

I had already been forced to guzzle at least a dozen bottles of water, and I was dreading what a trip to the bathroom was going to mean for me in my...current state.

Asher had been allowed to tag along with us, of course, on the boys' insistence, and the tour managers had accepted it without too much question. It made me somewhat curious how often random girls had accompanied the boys on tour before.

I had to admit, it was easier now that all the boys knew what was going on. Easier on Asher's part, at least. As far as MY life went, I wasn't sure how things were going to ends up. "Paisley" was due to be home from school at any minute, and yet here Asher was, an hour away from my home with no signs of returning anytime soon.

Finally, once Asher's publicist had a convincing enough story to tell the press excusing my meltdown, we were allowed to return to the comfort of the tour bus.

"Hey," I whispered, trotting a bit to catch up to Asher who was walking a few feet in front of me. "You have to go back to my house."

"What? Why?" he asked, wrinkling his nose at the idea.

"Because, just because we've gotten your life sorted out doesn't mean that mine is!" I growled. "You don't honestly expect us all to just run off on tour together like one big happy family, do you? What do you think my mom will have to say about that?"

Asher cringed at the mention of my mom.

"All the more reason not to go back," he said stubbornly.

"Asher Halen," I commanded, grabbing his arm and forcing him to stop walking. "You HAVE to go back to my house," I ordered, giving him my sternest glare.

Asher stared defiantly back at me, his jaw jutted out like a stubborn child. Luckily, Leo had overheard the last part of our conversation and had walked over to back me up.

"She's right, Ash," he said, shrugging lightly. "We have to give her family some sort of explanation before we just haul their daughter off around the country."

Asher sighed in defeat and yanked his arm out of my grip.

"Fine. But what am I supposed to tell them? You've never met her mom, man. The only way I'm leaving that house is in a body bag."

Leo rolled his eyes and looked at me exasperatedly, probably expecting to see the same look on my face. When he saw my sheepish smirk, though, his expression changed to one of shock.

"Seriously?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah..." I said with a small frown. "My mom is...a lot. Plus, I'm kind of already grounded for life anyways since I technically wasn't supposed to be at your concert last night in the first place, so..."

Asher looked smugly at Leo with a "told you so" grin, and Leo sighed before running a hand through his hair, obviously deep in thought.

"Well...dang," he finally said, defeated. "The press is going to be wondering who she is, too. Someone is bound to notice a girl hanging out with us everywhere," he mused as an afterthought, the lines in his forehead growing deeper and deeper as he found more and more things to worry about.

"Look, I'm eighteen," I finally blurted, my resolve growing with every passing second. "I have a 4.0 GPA and I'm top of all of my classes. I haven't missed a single day of school since kindergarten. I think...I think we just need to do it. Just tell my mom that I'm leaving. Legally, she can't stop me. I'll email all of my teachers and see if I can make up the work that I'm missing somehow. I just...I know how important this tour is to you guys. I'm not going to stand in your way," I said, looking up at Leo and smiling shyly. His face stretched into a wide grin, and he was staring at me like a proud dad.

"Thanks, Paisley," Asher piped up from beside me, giving my arm a gentle nudge. "That's really cool of you."

"I'm not talking to you," I snapped, snarling angrily at Asher who retreated a few steps away. "None of this is for you! This is for Leo, and Zack, and Tucker. They shouldn't have to give up on their dreams just because you and I got mixed up in some voodoo hoodoo crap."

Asher stuck his lower lip out and pouted while Leo chuckled softly.

"You know, if this situation wasn't so effed up then I would almost say that you guys make a cute couple," Leo said, smiling mischievously like he knew that his words were about to set off World War III.


"No WAY! I wouldn't EVER."


Leo just shrugged apologetically and walked away, still smirking as Asher and I continued to shout over one another.

We continued to yell after him until he had disappeared into the trailer, leaving us both standing outside awkwardly avoiding eye contact with each other. I was still insanely hurt and angry at Asher for what he had said earlier, but part of me knew that if we were ever going to get out of this mess then we were going to have to learn to get along and work together.

"Asher," I finally sighed, crossing my arms over my chest. "We can't keep fighting like this, you know. We're going to kill each other before we even find out what happened, at this rate."

Asher glared at me for a moment with his arms crossed as well before finally sighing and releasing them to dangle loosely at his sides.

"Yeah, I know," he agreed, clenching and unclenching his fists to release the tension in them. "Truce?" He offered me his hand.

"Truce," I agreed, reaching out to shake it. His skin felt so soft in my giant man hands. It was nice to know that my hand cream was doing its job.

"And um..." he began, awkwardly clearing his throat and glancing away from me. "I really am sorry, Paisley, for what I said back there in the green room. That was horrible of me. I didn't mean it..."

I smiled and squeezed his hand.

"It's okay," I reassured him with a smile. And it was. It had hurt - a lot - but I could tell even seconds after he had said it that he wished he could take it back. And now his apology seemed genuine and sincere. "I'm sorry, too - for ruining your interview."

"Eh, who actually watches that channel anyways?" Asher said, smiling softly at me.

I gave him a grateful look back, deciding not to tell him that the interview had been broadcasted on the biggest news network in the state. Better to quit while I was ahead.

" ready to go get me disowned from my family?" I said brightly, nerves twisting in my stomach as I realized that I was only half-kidding.

Asher laughed and put both of his hands on my shoulders again, standing on tiptoe this time so that he could see into my eyes to give me a cheeky wink.

"Let's do this thing."

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