Chapter 1: Blue Boy

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"Ahhhh" Jay screamed jolting away from his pillow

"What is it?" kai mumbled

"probably something about that dragon land, that was pretty terrifying" Zane said his voice was a given that he was tired too

"Nothing, i-it doesn't matter" Jay said with fear in his voice

"Come on Jay this has been happening for weeks and you say the same thing every time" Cole said both angry and worried  "if you won't tell us now, tell us tomorrow" Jay lay back down a through of what he was going to say. He figured that he would just tell them the truth, they were his friends and he could trust them. As he doze off he smiled happily. The next morning he was the first one up he didn't want to wake the rest so he got out of bed quietly this wasn't a problem he was a ninja after all. When he was out of the room he didn't know what to do, he was never the first one up so he turned on the TV and sat down. Bang.

"Nya, I would have thought you were quieter then me" Jay said still looking at the TV

"sorry, someone woke me up last night" Nya said blankly

"sorry" Jay replied sincerely

"why did you scream?" Nya ask curiously

"jumping to the chase, are we?" Jay asked sarcastically

"what? I'm curious!" She said happily, Jay normally made her feel better even if she was tired because he woke her up. Jay sighed

"what is it? " Nya asked sadly

"blue boy" Jay answered quickly

"what?" Nya asked confused

"blue boy"

"I don't follow" Nya replied more confused than the last time

"the dream starts when I look into someones eyes but they run away before I can get a good look at them. So I follow we jump from rooftop to rooftop, him before me, high and low until we reach the highest roof top at the edge of ninja go city and he jumps of. I run to the edge to see but all I see is a glowing orb growing bigger and bigger until it explodes sending me flying backwards. I open my eyes to see a dragon flying into the distance with that out of the way I run  down the flight of stairs to find the blue boy, but he's not there, not a trace or a clue, no sign of him even being there but I look up to see the dragon zooming to wards me but he's not alone he has friends. I don't know what happens next because I normally wake up." Jay says sadly

" wow thats strange." Nya says surprised.

"thats why I didn't say anything" Jay explains. Little did they know, the rest of the ninja were watching and heard the whole conversation. All of them surprised they walked back to their beds in a attempt of misleading them to think they heard nothing, the gang waited around 5 minutes before they got up, acting as though they had just got up.

"Hey guys!" said Jay happily, turning his head from the TV for a small amount of time.

"Morning Jay, Nya" Cole replied yawning and hitting his elbow against the wooden frame of the door "ow" Cole said simply, looking at his elbow and walking over to sit next to Jay

"What's it like being the second one up" Kai questioned, looking at Jay.

"Actually Jay was the first one up" Nya explained, turning around to face the guys, Coles eyes opened wide as he turned his head to face Jay

"What?" he said quickly. Nya turned back to find the eggs she was cooking for breakfast had court on fire panicking, she put out the fire using her water power creating a huge sizle. The guys turned to Nya who was holding her hand out taking in what just happened. Kai looked at the oven witch was dripping wet.

"Nya, ovens don't drink water" Jay joked Nya looked at jay exsresonless. Zane walk over and started scanning the oven looking for signs if damage.

"is it broken?" Nya asked worriedly

"it does show signs of deterioration" Zane said standing up straight

"meaning" Kai asked as sparks flew from the oven

"it's broken" he said smugly

"why don't we take it to my parents, they might be able to fix it" Jay said standing up and walking to wards the oven

"well are we going?" Lloyd asked happily.

Authors note:
Sorry if there is any misspelled words, wrong gramme, pincushion, ect I'm still learning and I was pretty tired while writing also the next chapter won't be for a wile because I have school and that includes homework so I won't have enough time to write full-time until end of term witch is in a few weeks again sorry for the big gaps in the story and I hope you enjoyed.

MisTalorT out~

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