Where Is It?

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I woke up to bright sunshine on my face. It was 11:00. Swift's ears pricked up when hearing the bed covers rustle and jumped up me. I fed him first. I decided to just spend the day by the sea.

I dressed in a typical tourist fashion. A big floppy hat even though I was Y/N because someone would end up telling the press. I matched it with some denim shorts and a bikini top with flip-flops. I picked up a pencil and my songwriting book.

"Property of Y/N" was inked in my dad's handwriting inside. The book has long been full, but rather than getting a new one, I just wrote on loose sheets. The songs in there ranged from a 12 year old me making silly rhymes to the lyrics people now had on their phones. It struck me as funny, the irony. One part of me was watched and seen as fragile whilst the other part was seen as an inspiration and was hugely successful.

The book was brown leather, with a tired ribbon to tie it shut. It had butterflies and flowers on the front, and they were 3D giving a cute effect. I carried it under my arm and sat down in soft sand when I reached the beach.

It was a deserted area, with a headland curving around on both sides to sheild the beach from wind. The sea was a dirty blue, with a soft sanded beach. The beach sand was warm due to the sun shining on it. I stretched out and sat down with a thump. Swift bounded joyfully into the ocean, his tail swinging back and forth at 100mph. 

A few lines started buzzing around in my head as I wrote and crossed it out, wrote and crossed it out.

"Will you stand?"

"By me?"

"Stand by me?"

I smiled knowing when it was finished it would be good. Just from that one line I knew there was a chance that it would become another hit. It was at this point that Swift decided I had done enough work and stood by me and shook. Saltwater went everywhere, thankfully I had the sense to snap my book shut before it landed on any words. 

I stood up leaving the book and the pen on the beach and ran into the ocean with Swift. We played around in the sea for a while until I started shivering. I ran all the way back to the cottage for a change of clothes and a nice hot shower.


*Kim Namjoon POV*

We had come to Devon. The boys were stalking Kayleigh and somehow Yoongi had found the exact cottage she was at. When Taehyung suggested we visit her, Yoongi had tensed and said we shouldn't bother her which I found weird. 

But we did agree that she had come here for space, and that we wouldn't go looking for Kayleigh. However, if we bumped into her in the streets, that would be a different matter. 

Jungkook was walking around with a camera, taking pictures of everything. Jin was also walking round with his polaroid camera, taking shots of the members, the landscape and himself. All 7 of us were in disguises so we wouldn't be recognised. Wigs and eye contacts, but Hoseok had small round glasses on. He hates wearing contacts. Jimin had bright blue eyes that still scared the sh*t out of me whenever he turned around.

We had rented a couple of hotel rooms at the small hotel overlooking a huge beach. It was a huge busy public beach. Rather than going there, we decided too take a walk around. We walked all the way through town passing cottages decorated with honeysuckle and primroses. There was a quaint ice-cream place so we brought some amazing ice creams from it.

Our walk had taken us straight through the village and into the holiday cottage area where Kayleigh was staying. Jungkook and Jin were ahead, taking pictures of the different colored cottages.

We'd walked for hours when we reached a cottage in a small clearing. There were woods behind it, so we quietly walked past into them. The wood were only small, so before long we found ourselves overlooking a pretty sheltered beach. The cliffs curved in to shelter the bay from everything. The beach looked soft and sandy.  Jimin, Tae and Jungkook suddenly grew even more excited and plunged straight into the ocean. Jungkook took his camera from round his neck and threw it in Yoongi's direction whilst running. Thankfully Yoongi caught it.

The rest of us carefully made our way down. We were lying down on the beach with the exception of those in the sea and Jin who was walking around taking more pictures. His hands and pockets were full of polaroids. I sat up when I heard a thump and a muffled curse. Jin had fallen over and his polariods had gone everywhere. All 7 of us were frantically trying to pick them all up before they scattered. 

"What's this?" Taehyung suddenly said. He had something in his hands. All of us crowded around him for a closer look. It was a brown leather book. He opened the front cover carefully. "Property of Y/N" stared up at us. His hands slipped sending all the loose sheets flying. Yoongi had gone pale with a worried look on his face. 

"Why does Y/N have the lyrics to Kayleigh's songs? Including the ones she performed in Russia? And these that I've never seen before?" Jin asked slowly. 

We all looked at one another with the exception of Yoongi who looked at the floor. "Yoongi, do you know something?" I asked him.

He didn't answer.

"Wait look. The songs have dates on. Dates when they were written. And the dates on Kayleigh's songs are from before Kayleigh released them. And look, this one 'Stand By Me' was written today." Jungkook said.

"So either Kayleigh is stealing Y/N's lyrics or." Hoseok broke off.

"Or Y/N is Kayleigh." Jimin finished.

6 sets of eyes looked at the very quiet Yoongi.

*Your POV*

I came out of the shower happy, humming a melody. It would fit perfectly with the line from today. I went to pick up my songbook but it wasn't there. I felt panic building as I searched the cottage. I ran to the beach but it wasn't there.

Where is it?

If somebody finds it, I'm done for.

A/N There won't be an update next week because I'm visiting la belle France! I hope you enjoyed this chapter even if it was late :) and oho cliff-hanger. See y'all next time :)

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