The Tour

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We untangled from each other laughing. The picture was on my phone so one by one, BTS put their numbers in my phone and sent themselves the picture. I was very still for two reasons. 1) because my fangirl heart was pounding because I HAD BTS' NUMBERS and 2) because if they went on my camera roll by accident, they'd see all the photos when I'm not Kayleigh. 

Thankfully they didn't so my smile returned. Yoongi looked at me a couple times but didn't say anything. I don't think he knew.

They filed out smiling, giving me one last hug each. Jimin walked out humming a tune until Namjoon slapped him. I don't think he's supposed to be humming that yet lmao. I covered my ears when Namjoon looked back, signalling that I wasn't going to say anything.

Everyone had exited the building but me and my colleagues. I could hear fans outside as I helped the make-up team pack away their stuff in preparation for France. I had to leave Swift behind because of quarantine laws. He was going to stay with my uncle's family.

The makeup team shooed my away saying I should go back to the hotel and rest. My manager agreed so we stepped outside. So many people were still outside. I was still dressed as Kayleigh, with my blue wig pulled into a bun and I was in the dress I last performed in. We stepped in the waiting car and I heard the screaming go louder. There was another car behind us and as I watched BTS got into it.

My manager passed me an oversized hoodie and I put it on when we neared the hotel so I could enter it in some semblance of peace.

Fans knew it was me but security allowed me to enter the hotel and go straight to my room. I opted for the stairs rather than the elevator because I didn't want to be confined in it.

I bypassed my floor and went straight to the roof. I sat down on the edge and watched the sun set, resting my head on my knees. "I wish you could see this dad. I know you'd be so proud of me." I pulled the wig off my head and ran it through my fingers.

Inhaling deeply, I watched the colors of the sky merged. I felt somebody sit next to me. "You know you could fall off right?" I jumped startled, wondering if they'd seen me remove my wig and if they knew who I actually was. I hadn't just exposed myself had I?

It was Min Yoongi who sat next to me. He was wearing joggers and a short sleeved tee, no jacket but he was wearing Converse. His face gave away nothing as I looked him in the eye, trying to see if they betrayed anything. But he remained still as a stone, not yielding anything. I could only assume he hadn't.

He reached for my cheek and wiped away a tear. I hadn't realised I was crying. "Now then, why's a young girl like you up here at this time and crying?" He didn't recognise me, thank god.  The minute I'd felt him flop down, I'd hidden the wig up my sweater.

"I like watching the sunset." He must of noticed I didn't answer the second part of the question but didn't say anything.

"What are you doing awake?" I surprised myself, suddenly talking to him.

"I slept most of the day, trying to get rid of jetlag but it didn't work. The others are asleep and no longer have jetlag but it affects me more. I couldn't sleep and I'm in a room opposite Jimin who has a balcony that faces this way so I came onto the roof to watch the sunset like you."

We sat there, not talking watching as the city shut down below us and the sky turned black. The car horns went quieter and the chatter of people faded. 

"I'm going to go to try and sleep, it was nice meeting you, but please don't tell anyone that I spoke to you, ARMY will go wild." He flashed his gummy smile as me as I waved him goodbye.

"Maybe we'll meet again someday." His footsteps echoed down the steps and I was alone with my thoughts again. I stretched my legs out and got up. I didn't sleep that night, I just had Swift asleep on my knee. 

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