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I'm running. I don't know where to. My lungs are burning but I'm not going to slow down. People are trying to swarm me screaming my name. I'm no longer in the city. The big buildings and mobs of people have gone. Looking over my shoulder, there was no-one.

I'm still running. There's a park, not a playpark. There's massive cherry blossom trees and a koi pond. I don't think it's private land. I sit down under a tree on a bench. Cherry blossom started raining down on my hair. I looked and jumped a little. I forgot I'd turned my hair pink.

I'm shaking with sobs as I just cry and cry. Everybody knows and I've been destroyed. All because of one man.


I'm shaking now but this time with anger. He did this to his niece who had no-one. Well have, I know BTS must now hate me. How can they not? I told them an outrageous lie.

I can hear footsteps behind me. I sob quieter in the hope that they'll walk by me. They don't. Instead, they sit on the bench and offer me a tissue. I take it with a little smile. Perhaps there is still some good in the world.

The person is an old man. He has a walking stick and a kind, wizened face.

"I used to come here with my wife. Look, here's a picture." He showed me an old sepia photograph from his wallet. "She died a few years ago but everyday, I still take a walk through this park. And I sit on this very bench because this is the bench where we had our first kiss."

"Now I'm not going to ask you why you're alone crying in a park. But I'm going to tell you this. If someone has wronged you, let it go. They hold no power over you anymore. There's going to be good times and bad times. Celebrate the good and the bad. Because each one makes cracks in your armour that one day you will be grateful for. Keep doing your music. It's your passion, you love it and so do your fans. Go talk to BTS, they're still your friends. Take a break until all of this brews over."

My tears are slowing now, the old man's words calming me. It seems like I'm still very recognisable then. He's right I guess, I should try and talk to them but I'm terrified.

I'm going to hide until this is all over.

The man stands up, and walks away, leaning on his walking stick. As his figure fades I dry my eyes. I know what I am going to do now.

Strong arms encase me and I turn around to see Jungkook.

"How did you find me?"

"You still have your SIM card on you."

He leads me to the others and an awkward silence descends. Well awkward for me.

"Kayleigh, wait no Y/N we already knew."

I'm nervous now. "How?"

Yoongi clears his throat. "The day we all went to that beach you found a cove. I went down their after and found your songwriting book. I looked through it, I'm sorry but they're all masterpieces. It said Property of Y/F/N in the front cover but the first song inside was Peace of Mind from your album. I put two and two together. The rest of these guys haven't seen any of your songs but I told them who you really are. I hope you don't mind."

Namjoon began speaking. "We don't hate you. We don't blame you. But please never run like that again. We were terrified that we had lost you. We're here for you, here to help you. Most importantly, we are going to bring the person who exposed you down."

"I love you all so much but we don't need to do that. An old man spoke to me and told me to let it go and carry on. I'm going to take a break while it all dies down and then I'll be back."

My manager had the jet waiting to take me back home. Me and BTS said goodbye.

As the plane took off, I opened my book and started writing.

*6 months later*

My hairs kind of just it's natural blonde now, tinted pink in some areas. I couldn't be bothered to keep up with the dye so I let nature run its course.

I'm on my laptop right now and I'm logging into all of my social medias for the first time since the incident. Since then, Mark has been thrown behind bars for many reasons.

All my medias blow up with millions of notifications so I press clear.

Opening a new post on Twitter first I begin typing. Then I copy and paste it to Instagram before sending it to my manager.


I'm back.

A/N It's finished it's crap who knows how long it'll last? Is likely to get deleted lmao but I have a new book called 30 days coming out soon :)

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