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ALERTED BY THE SHOUTING AND loud noises, I peeked into the dark room. He knocked her to the floor, again, kicking her shaking body. I stood there, powerless. Then, remembering something, I ran to the phone. I was going to call for help, but I dialed the number, and my voice wouldn't come out. I tried and I tried, yet no sound came out of my body. I let go of the phone, and turned just in time to see his fist coming down on me. He hit me, and she screamed. Finally, I screamed too.

I woke up, still screaming. Maya was shaking me, holding me by the shoulders. "Lady Luna, Lady Luna, wake up!" I silenced myself, tears in my eyes, and stared at her, confused. I took in my surroundings, my beautiful palace bedroom, and remembered who I was. I was Liliana Atwood,  a lady of the Selection. "Lady Luna, are you alright?" Maya asked, gently petting my hair. "I had a nightmare." I said, still shaken. "I'm feeling a little panicked, honestly." Maya slipped on her shoes and a robe. "I'll go get you some camomile tea, my lady, and a warm towel for your face. I'll be right back."

I sat up and looked at my bedside clock: it was 3 a.m. I sighed, fearing that I'd have a dark under-eye today. I had a date with Ethan tonight, so it would have been nice to be at my best. Maya came back with tea and I was grateful to have one of my maids in my room during the night for times like these. She sat on my bed and I passed the warm towel on my face and sipped the soothing camomile tea. I was already feeling better, and felt that I could try to sleep again. I would need the rest to not be so on edge today.

I had been my third big nightmare since I'd been in the Selection. I used to have them a lot, but they had stopped for a year or two. I figured they had started again because of the stress. As my maids applied my makeup and did my hair, I could already feel the memory of it slipping away. My dress for tonight was a light periwinkle, with a tulle overlay detailed with little pink flowers.

"We ought to put you in the gardens." Prince Ethan teased, as we headed down the hall. "I think I'd fit right in." I giggled. We went up to the third floor, and I got confused. "Where are we going?" I questioned. "I want to show you my art studio." We entered the brightly light room, with large windows overlooking the province of Angeles. It was full of easels and drawing tables, with shelves of tools and paint colors. The walls were covered in portraits, and I noticed one in particular of the queen. "Did you paint that?" I asked, shocked at the realism. Queen Cordelia's hair cascaded around the frame, her skin soft and tan with full cheeks and plump lips. "You should've seen the first portrait I drew of her: it was borderline insulting!" Ethan laughed, and I noticed his lips were as soft and plump as hers.

I couldn't draw faces for the life of me, so I always left the faces of my sketches blank. I stared in awe at all the portraits he had done, pausing on each one. Among them, I only recognized the King and Queen's, but they were all equally as lovely. I suspected he had painted other members of royalty, as a few portraits looked just as regal as his parents'. "This is amazing, Ethan." I said, feeling almost speechless. "I love this room, helps me feel relaxed and inspired." He said, his voice calm. "I feel inspired myself! This view..." I started, resting my hand on one of the large windows. "May I see your drawings? I remember you said you sketched dresses." I froze. "Oh no, you can't. With all due respect, after seeing how immensely talented you are, there's no way I could show you my little doodles." I said, shaking my head. "Please, for me?" Ethan said, taking my hand and staring into my eyes. I wondered how I could ever refuse him.

Selected: Part 2 - Flowers with ThornsWhere stories live. Discover now