Ch. 3

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King T'Challa ordered a feast at the palace.  Peter was not the only one from the soul stone who was starving and right after T'Challa had hugged and kissed his sister, his mother, Nakia, and Okoye multiple times, he asked for a feast.  Of course, the Wakandans were more than willing to prepare a meal for the missing King and when he asked for enough to feed everyone, they were even more excited.  It wasn't everyday they got to serve the ones who helped defeat Thanos.  The news of their success had traveled quickly once people started seeing others reappear.

The dining hall was full of heroes eating all they could.  Peter hadn't spoken since the food came out, too busy eating to answer any questions by any means other than nodding.  Tony didn't blame him.  They kid ate nearly every hour and had just come from a place where he hadn't eaten in two years.  If he had been anywhere other than the soul stone, he probably would have died within the first two days. 

"Slow down, Peter,"  T'Challa chuckled.  Peter's face turned red and he slowed down just a bit.  "There's plenty of food and it won't go away.  Besides, there's dessert."  Peter's face lit up at the thought of desert and he wiped his mouth.

"Chocolate cake?"  he asked.  T'Challa shrugged.

"Probably,"  he replied.  Peter lit up even more and pushed his plate away.

"I'll wait, then,"  he said.  T'Challa shook his head with a smile and returned to his conversation with Shuri.  Peter didn't last more than two minutes before he continued devouring his plate.  He did, however, manage to refrain from grabbing more food.  This was only because he spotted the chefs bringing desert out.  He waited impatiently for them to put some desert close enough to him he could get some and was happy to discover the chocolate cake was place right in front of him.

"Now, you can't eat all of that,"  Tony warned.  Peter cut himself a large piece and put it on a clean plate.  "You have to share with others."  Peter frowned but it quickly disappeared when he looked back down at his chocolate cake.  He took a big bite and almost passed out at how good it was. 

"This is the best chocolate cake I've ever tasted,"  he moaned.  He quickly finished the piece of cake, getting the rich frosting all over his mouth.  He went to grab another piece, glancing to make sure Tony was thoroughly distracted before cutting another big piece and putting it on his plate.  When Tony turned back to see Peter with another huge piece of cake, he frowned.

"You're gonna get diabetes,"  he said.  Peter shrugged and melted into his chair as he ate a bite of his cake.

"Worth it,"  he said happily.  Tony rolled his eyes and decided to try a bit of the cake himself.  He took a piece much smaller than Peter had and bit into it.  "Isn't it amazing?"  Peter asked, mouth full of chocolate.  Tony nodded and quickly finished his piece.  He only didn't take another one because he spotted strawberry shortcake down the table and had Steve give him a piece.

* * *

Although T'Challa had enough guest rooms for everyone to have their own, he was not surprised to discover most everyone wanted to stay together.  Shuri, Nakia, W'Kabi, Okoye, and his mother Ramonda were camped out in his room.  W'Kabi and Okoye had made his couch into a bed while Shuri and Nakia sat on his bed.  Ramonda had set up her own bed near his.  The Guardians simply asked for a room with two beds and a couch then they all happily divided up their own sleeping arrangements.  The Avengers were given a large room with three beds, a couple couches, and plenty of extra blankets for those that were sleeping on the floor.   Doctor Strange and Wong joined the Avengers.

"Dibs on a bed!"  Tony called as he walked in.  Natasha rolled her eyes but raced towards another one.

"If you have a bed, you'll have to share,"  Steve told them.  Tony scoffed but had every intention of not letting Peter out of his sight, so it wasn't hard for him to say yes when the kid shyly asked if he could sleep with him.

"I will not sleep,"  Wanda said quietly to Steve when he offered her and Vision the last bed.  "You can have the last bed."  Steve frowned, but he was sure very few others would be sleeping as well.  They were most likely claiming beds more as places they would sit as they stayed up all night rather than actually sleep in.  Bucky and Sam fought over the couch.  Sam successfully won when he managed to shove Bucky off who tripped over Bruce on the floor.  Bucky glared at him and sat on the bed Steve was on.

"Enjoy your ratty couch,"  Bucky said.  Sam rolled his eyes and made a show of laying the couch out into a bed then spreading over it.  He yelled when Rhodey sat on him, though.  Bucky smirked and Sam glared.

"Play nice, kids,"  Natasha muttered.  She was busy texting Clint, promising him they were all fine and telling him they would all be at the Compound in a few days.

"All in favor of playing a game?"  Sam asked.  Not even Steve tried to convince them to go to bed when everyone raised their hands.  He knew they would eventually have to sleep, but no one wanted to wake up in a room full of their teammates screaming from a nightmare.  Steve wasn't going to make them, either, because he was sure he would be one of the first.

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