Ch. 13

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Sunday morning, Peter woke up in his bedroom at the Compound peacefully. He stretched then blinked in confusion. He hadn't had a single nightmare that night. He had slept so peacefully, he couldn't remember dreaming at all. With a grin, he sat up in his bed and reached for his phone. He scrolled through Instagram then checked SnapChat. Once he had finished, he got up and walked into his shower. He took his time, not in any rush to get out and embrace the last "family day" the team was having. Everyone was probably just waking up as well. They didn't have anything planned for the day and Peter didn't mind. Sometimes he had the most fun when they just stayed at the Compound and hung out. He never could be sure what would happen.

Once Peter was dressed, he walked out of his bedroom and down the hall. He was surprised to find every room empty. He frowned and walked downstairs to the living room and kitchen. It wasn't nearly as quiet down there as it was upstairs. Pepper and Natasha were ordering people everywhere. Bucky and Steve were trying to hang up streamers while Bruce frosted a cake. Sam was setting the table and Vision was helping out with decorations. Clint's family was stacking what looked like presents in the living room and Nathaniel was happily chewing on some ribbon. Wanda was fast asleep on the couch, but no one paid her any attention. Tony was on the phone with someone and Rhodey was telling Sam everything he was doing wrong. Even Michelle and Ned were in the kitchen getting a bunch of food ready. When Pepper and Natasha saw Peter, they stopped talking which drew everyone's attention to him.

"Happy birthdays, Peter!" they all yelled. Wanda didn't even stir. Peter grinned and continued down the stairs.

"I didn't think you were serious," Peter told Tony. Tony shrugged and pulled Peter into a hug.

"Can't have my kid miss out on two birthdays let alone his 18th!" Tony exclaimed. Peter's smiled stayed glued to his face as everyone came up to hug him and say something along the lines of happy birthday.

"I saw food," Peter said after the last person let him go. Pepper laughed and nodded.

"It's all in the kitchen," she told him.

"You mean we can finally eat?" Sam asked. Pepper nodded and it was a mad dash into the kitchen. "We've been up since 6:30am preparing for your party thanks to Natasha. She blew an air horn down the residential hall." Peter grabbed a scone then scooped some strawberries onto his plate.

"How come I didn't wake up?" Peter asked. Sam pointed into the living room where Wanda was still passed out.

"Why do you think she's so tired?" Sam replied. He grabbed a scone as well and took of a quarter of his plate with blueberries. "She was up all night making sure you didn't have any nightmares then she kept you asleep during the air horn. She only fell asleep once you woke up and she had alerted us." Peter was reminded then of how amazing Wanda was and made a mental note to tell her.

After they all ate breakfast, Peter was pushed into the living room to open presents. Wanda finally woke up, but Peter felt bad and said she could go back to sleep. She smiled sleepily at him (she hadn't been fully awake in the first place) and happily curled up to Vision and fell asleep once again. Everyone else piled into the living room loudly and Peter grew concerned Wanda wouldn't be able to sleep. Vision assured him she would, though, and that he was making sure nothing disturbed her. He also said it would be the most peaceful sleep she had had in a long time. Peter thanked Vision a dozen times before Clint interrupted him to command he open his gifts. There were so many, though, Peter had a hard time finding one to open first. Michelle solved that problem by grabbing one and tossing it at him. He barely caught it and set it down in front him.

"Hope that wasn't fragile," she said. Peter grinned and opened it. None of the presents said who they were from, but everyone spoke up when Peter opened one of theirs. At the end of all his present opening, wrapping paper surrounded him from both sides and he had a pile of new things in front of him. They ranged from more Star Wars posters and comic books to a car and a new suit. Of course, everyone knew Tony was responsible for the car and suit, but Peter was just as excited (if not more) to receive more Star Wars stuff.

"Thanks, everyone!" Peter said, practically glowing with happiness. "You're all the best!"

"We know," Sam said. Tony rolled his eyes but smiled at Peter.

"Does this make up for your two birthdays?" Pepper asked. Peter nodded enthusiastically and everyone laughed.

"There's still one more thing," Tony told him. Peter looked at him in confusion. He had gotten everything he could have ever thought of as a present. What else could Tony give him? "Follow me," Tony said. Peter stood up and followed Tony down to his lab. Peter didn't know what to expect, so he just walked behind Tony silently. Tony let him into the lab first then stood at the doorway and crossed his arms. He just smirked at Peter who looked around the lab, even more confused than before.

"I don't get it," Peter finally said. He turned back to Tony. "What is it?"

"Go check out your work area," Tony instructed. Skeptical but curious, Peter walked over towards his desk and looked down at it for something out of place. He found a stack of papers on his desk and picked it up. He glanced through it before turning around to face Tony with wide eyes. "Well?" Tony prompted.

"Is this for real?" Peter asked, holding up the stapled papers. Tony nodded, his smirk turning into a smile as Peter began to smile back.

"I hope that's okay," Tony said. "I know you're already an adult but I pulled some strings and they managed to let me do it since you're technically still in high school. If it's not fine, well, you're an adult so you can go change it I just thought-" Tony was cut off by Peter hugging him tightly and jumping up and down.

"It's the best present ever!" Peter told him. Tony's smile grew and he hugged Peter back.

"I'm glad you like it, son," Tony replied. He glanced at the papers that Peter had set back on his desk in order to hug Tony. He could barely make out the words at the top, but he knew what they said anyway: ADOPTION FORM.

"Thanks, Dad," Peter mumbled.

The End

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