Ch. 6

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Trigger warning: Panic attack. I'll put this symbol # at the end when it it safe to read for those who might have problems reading a panic attack.

Aunt May didn't return at 9pm. When Peter looked up from his last comic book to see it was 10:37pm, he frowned. If Aunt May knew he was returning that day, why was she late? She was rarely late anyway unless there was an emergency at work. Peter put his comic book away and walked back into the living room. New York was dark, but he turned on the lights in the living room and he was able to see around the room without using his spider senses. Everything was still untouched. Even the note Aunt May had left was still sitting on the table. Peter suddenly felt his heart drop. Hadn't May written him a note the day he left, too? Peter ran to the fridge and pulled it open. The smell of old food flooded his senses and he slammed the door shut. He stumbled backwards into the table and knocked a chair over. He jumped at the sound and felt tears tickle his eyes. This wasn't happening. May was fine. Tony had said she would be fine. Why wasn't she here?

"May!" Peter yelled. His breathing became laboured and his throat felt dry. "May! It's not funny anymore!" The tears in his eyes started down his cheeks and his body felt like it was on fire. "May!" Peter screamed, falling to the ground as he became dizzy. He spotted his backpack at the end of the counter and stumbled towards it. He continued to cry and breath heavily as he crawled towards his backpack. He fumbled his phone out of his backpack, hands shaking. He barely managed to open the phone app and speed dial Tony. Even though it was nearly 10:45pm, Tony answered right away.

"Hey, kid," he said. Peter couldn't respond. He choked back a sob, but Tony heard it. "Peter? What's going on? Talk to be, kiddo." Peter couldn't do anything but sob and look around his apartment frantically. "Peter? I can't help if you don't talk to me."

"May," he gasped. He let out another sob and Tony cursed.

"Alright," Tony said. He was already in the air and five minutes away from Peter's apartment. He had gotten in his suit as soon as he heard Peter's first sob. "I'm on my way. Take deep breaths; follow me. Can you tell me five things you can see?" Tony made sure Peter could clearly hear his slow breathing over the phone and Peter struggled to follow along.

"Chair," he gasped. He took a few more deep breaths before continuing. "Microwave. Oven. Toaster." He gasped and Tony reminded him to breath deep and slow, following Tony's lead. "And the door," Peter finished.

"Good," Tony said. "Four things you can smell?" Tony asked. Peter continued to follow Tony's breathing as he searched for things he could smell.

"Bread. Bananas," Peter said. "Peanut butter and the fridge." That sent Peter into another panic and his breathing went from being almost calm back to laboured.

"Focus on me, Peter," Tony demanded. He was only a minute away now. "Who are you favorite three Avengers?" Tony asked, breathing deeply. Peter struggled to match his breathing to Tony's again and before he could breath enough to answer, Tony burst through the door. He dropped out of his suit and knelt down beside Peter.

"Mr. Stark," Peter stuttered out. Tony nodded and reached for Peter's hand. He put it on his chest and told Peter to breath with him.

"Favorite three Avengers?" Tony asked again. Peter didn't take his eyes off Tony as he focused on breathing.

"You," Peter said first. Tony nodded, encouraging Peter to continue. "Captain America and Black Widow. She's really cool."

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"She is, isn't she?" Tony agreed. Peter nodded. "Now, who are your two best friends?"

"Ned and MJ," Peter answered without hesitation. "I miss them."

"I know, kiddo," Tony said. He noticed Peter's breathing was now back to normal and released Peter's hand. Peter looked away from Tony and folded his hands into his lap. "Now, how about you tell me what happened. You'll be okay; I'm right here." Peter nodded but didn't rush to answer.

"Aunt May isn't here," he whispered. Tony looked around the apartment as if just noticing that. To be fair, he had been focused on Peter from the moment he first heard the kid's broken cry. "I came in and saw a note on the counter saying she'd be back at 9pm, but it was from the day I disappeared. She's not here." His breathing started to pick up again but Tony had him match his breathing to Tony's and he quickly calmed down.

"Are you sure she isn't just out of town?" Tony asked. If May had been caught in the crossfire of a battle and Peter had lost his last living relative, Tony would never forgive himself.

"The fridge," Peter said, pointing limply at it. "Everything is moldy. It's been there for years." His voice cracked and more tears raced down his cheeks.

"No, I'm sure she's fine," Tony said. Peter shook his head fiercely.

"She's not," he said. "May would never let food mold." Tony sighed, knowing Peter was right. Not knowing what else to do, he pulled Peter into a hug and sat with him on the kitchen floor while he cried himself to sleep. Tony couldn't do anything but listen to Peter's sobs, each one tearing at his heart and begging him to do something. Instead, he just sat there, holding Peter and wishing they could have stopped Thanos from ever coming to earth.

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