Alex (pov)

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As Alex threw his board on the top of the car, his friends greeted him typically.
"Ayee, who's the girl over there?" One of them asked him.
"A friend" he responded, slowly smiling as the boys started hooting and hollering.

"Damn son, how many fuckin side pieces you got? When are you gunna share?"
"Oh shut the fuck up, Zack, did you not hear me? She's a friend."
"Yea, sure, so when are you gunna fuck her." Zack said as a few of the other guys laughed it off, "you ALWAYS say they're friends but we see how you talk to em, they eat you up man"
Alex chuckled and shook his head.

He finished tying his board to the hood of the car, got in the backseat and looked over his shoulder at Acacia. She was sitting there, still watching the waves. She was pretty hot, maybe he would toy around with her like his friends think he will.

"I don't know guys, I think I'm gunna cuff Kaylee, or at least try to..."
All four guys started up again.
"Dude, she doesn't think of you like that. And if she says yes, she won't blow you. She's a waste of time. Why can't you be happy with what you got? You aren't tied to some psycho bitch, you literally fuck all the girls you want, they're like endless side bitches but you're not dating so they're your 'friends' as you call them" one of the boys, Dion, retorted.
All of them agreed but Alex smiled and responded with a somewhat sarcastic tone, "Who says I fuck em?"
"Bruhh, don't fuckin start." Jason said as he switched lanes and sped up, "we can tell, they want you, you get bored, yall fuck. Don't play"
"Whatever dude" Alex dismissed him, "All because you don't get any pussy doesn't mean you need to take it out on me."
"We're not taking anything out on you dude, accept the truth man."

Alex didn't mean to, girls just seemed to fall for him constantly. He knew he was a flirt, he knows what he can do but he can't control how others feel about him. It's not like he would turn down a cute girl but he didn't really think he was using them... was he?

"So really man", Zack said from shotgun, "who's that girl, I feel like I've seen her or something."
Alex looked up, sort of confused of what he was talking about but then he remembered. "Oh, the girl back there? Yea uh, she was sitting alone and I liked how she looked. She's got a cool name too, cute girl."
"Yea, ok, but who is she?" Zack hinted at something deeper.
"Just a friend man, I like Kaylee. I'm even willing to stop all this sleeping around for her."
"Alright dude, whatever you say."

Zack sounded a bit sarcastic but it didn't bother Alex. He knew himself. Zach turned the radio up and Jason sped up as he got on the highway.


The boys dropped Alex off at his place, he grabbed his board and went into his house through the garage. Gently, he set his board to rest beside the door and walked into the kitchen. It was a small house, not a lot of room and a bit of a mess but it was cozy. His mom stood in front of a stove, stirring some rice in a pot.
"Hey mom" he said with that sweet looking grin perched on his face.
"Oh there you are my boy, how are your friends? Is Zack doing ok?"
"Yea mom, they're great."
"How was surfing this morning?"
"Waves were a bit slow but I got to see kaylee"
"Well, that's great news! I'm sure you're tired. I am almost done with Arroz Rojo if you want some!"
"Thanks mama!"  Alex responded while walking down the hall and into his room.
It was a small room with wood floors. The bed was on the ground, an acoustic guitar laid at the foot of his bed along with a skateboard that had been well used. He took his shirt and shorts off, throwing them on the floor. Almost instantaneously, he fell onto his bed and threw a white sheet over his body.

Reaching for his boxers, Kaylee popped into his mind. He closed his eyes but was interrupted by something strange, he couldn't picture what Kaylees face looked like, her body, the sound of her voice, nothing. Frustrated, he opened his eyes and checked his phone. Not for texts from Kaylee but for that girl at the beach. He wanted to think about Kaylee, not some random girl he met and talked to for five minutes but he couldn't help himself.

Her green eyes seized to get out of his head, he didn't want to admit it but she was absolutely gorgeous. He wanted to see a message pop up saying "hey! It's Acacia, the girl from the beach🌺".

He didn't even get a really good look at her, why was he thinking about a girl he barely knew? Still, he couldn't stop thinking about Acacia. Maybe it was because he felt like he knew her, he had seen her before. He couldn't put a finger on where, he just knew.

Disappointed, he set the phone down. No new messages from mysterious phone numbers, no voice mails of her soft voice, nothing. To try and get his mind off of what was troubling him, he picked the phone back up, opened instagram, and searched for Kaylee's profile. She's cute but not even looking at her, his crush, could get Acacia from his mind. He set his phone down and rolled over on his left side. Maybe Zack was right, "who is Acacia, really?" He asked himself.

Of all his boys, Zach was by far the most thoughtful and close with him. If you move past the typical locker room talk and some of his vapid sexual wants/needs, he's a cool guy. Zack is smart and wise for his age, living alone and taking care of his little sister taught him to grow up faster than normal.

Alex rolled over again, and grabbed his phone. He turned it on, no new messages. "Fuck." He whispered to himself. Probably lust, it annoyed himself for the fact that he couldn't stop thinking about her. Out of nowhere, her face popped up In his mind. "It's just late at night, this is no big deal" he tried convincing himself.

He felt like he knew her, he kept thinking of where. Did they go to school together? She said she was local, right? Possibly on his explorer page, she looked like one of those instagram model girls with a few thousand followers and whatnot. Maybe she was in porn! Where in hell? He hadn't ever seen her face though, she just felt oddly familiar. Once more, he rolled over to try and sleep, back facing his phone.

He was getting horribly tired, almost feeling sloppy and sluggish. Groggily, he rolled over, letting his hand slap the floor until he found his phone, checked for new messages, nothing. This time, he dropped the phone and turned over once again.

In a daze, he let his thoughts take over. He thought about Acacia perched on his front, taking her shirt off. He thought of how she might look for he had no idea, she wore an oversized hoodie. He thought about grabbing her hips and pulling her close to him. In an odd way, he wanted to be on top of her, he wanted her to scratch his back as he kissed her hard. He didn't care at this point if it was someone he had just met or if it were 'creepy'. She was sexy, he couldn't stop thinking about her gentle voice or those bright green eyes. It sent him to sleep.

 It sent him to sleep

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