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"Alex, you were right. This is absolutely the most unique hang out date thing I will ever go to or do" Acacia says while watching twelve lobsters crawl around in a big tank. They're claws were clamped shut with rubber bands, a price tag reading '12.99 lobsters only at Walmart' was pasted at the top of the small aquarium. He stood next to her, they both watched the lobsters crawl all over each other, steadily waving their banded claws together.

Just a few minutes ago, she was waiting outside, leaning against that bright yellow sign on the beach that Alex told her to go to so they can meet. He pulled up, got out of the car and greeted her with his typical smirk.
"Hey Acacia." He greeted her while opening the passenger door. Acacia looked at him for a second and smiled at him. He closed the door when he knew she was securely in his Jeep and walked around to his side.

It was a Wrangler from 98, the car with painted a bright white and was a bit dirty.
"Hey doll, you made me think about asking for your opinions and shit yesterday so whenever you want to go, let me know and I will drop you of right there." Alex told her while pointing back at the yellow sign. "Friends don't make other friends feel uncomfortable, I want you to be having fun. Ok, babe?" His tone was kind, she could tell he put thought into saying that. She held her hands between her knees and looked at her feet. She couldn't come to looking him in the face yet, she could feel his eyes gaze at her.

"Yea, I'll let you know if I feel uncomfortable..." her voice trailed off, getting softer with every second she spoke. That attitude she had on the phone was completely gone. She wasn't wearing the cute outfit, just a hoodie with some short shorts per usual. She did have on her makeup though; lashes, eyeliner and brow pomade. Cute clothing often outlined her body and made her very insecure, makeup just made her face prettier.

"How do you feel about Kendrick?" Alex asked while keeping his focus on the road.
"He's cool." Acacia responded lightly. She liked music, especially music with meaning and a good beat. It relaxed her and was relatable.
"Good, mind if I turn on the album DAMN.?"
"Yea, no, go ahead" her response was sheepish.
Alex glanced at her for a second, smirked and pressed a button on his stereo. The song LOYALTY blasted, Acacia side eyed him to try and see what he looked like again.

Acacia had a problem with looking people in the face. It scared her, she couldn't breathe well and would become very embarrassed. So, she stuck to small glances every now and then along with the occasional full head turn to see what's good. His hair was in a bun, you could see his jawline perfectly. Alex had on a plain black T-shirt with a small gold chain around his neck. His biceps were big, you could tell he worked out. Veins trailed down his forearm into his hand which was gripping the steering wheel. His face looked serious as he drove down the road.

"So, are we going back to your place?" Acacia asked in a curious yet unamused manor.
"Well, nope!" Alex said as he jerked the wheel to the right, turning so abruptly, Acacia partially fell onto him. He sped up, turned left and pulled into a parking spot. Acacia kept being thrown around, he was driving so aggressively, it didn't help he was in an old two door Rubicon.

Acacia looked up, she was sitting in front of a Walmart.
"Princess parking!" Alex beamed with excitement as he parked perfectly in a spot closest to the store.
"Alex.... what's going on..."
"Oh, you know, just the most interesting date you've ever been on!" He opened his car door and hopped out. Alex walked around the front of his Jeep and opened the door for Acacia to leave the vehicle as well.
"Prepare yourself babe, this is going to be amazing."

Well, Alex did shock her, this was absolutely the most unique date she had or will ever go on. For about two minutes, they said nothing. The both of them watched the lobsters very contently, he seemed to proud of himself.

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