Acacia (pov)

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The water was hot, steaming as it hit her body. Her muscles relaxed as the glittering bath bomb spun in circles, turning the water pink and blue. Quickly, she grabbed a bag of bath salts and threw them in the middle of the tub. She still had a headache but her body felt nice.

She stared out the window at the stars scattered across the sky.
"Why did I leave?" She questioned herself, "Why did I feel the need to insult him at all?" She knew fair well that she could have just sat there leaning on him in peace but noooooo, she just HAD to say something. All because she suspected it didn't mean she needed confirmation, especially not then. But hey, she knew she never could say or do anything at the right time. That's the art of being socially inadequate, right?

Acacia leaned forward, turning off the water. Her body floated around the tub, gently grazing the air above the water. Her knees and chest didn't quite make it under but it was dark and her robe was close by. She sat still, contemplating what had just happened about an hour before hand.

In a way, she felt really bad for Alex. She kind of liked him and she fucking blew it. The first date and she had a MAJOR panic attack. For being a stupid ass boy, he handled it well. He could have left her and said 'the hell with this crazy, psycho bitch' but instead, he picked her up and brought her inside. Alex even bothered to clean the mud and grime from her bare feet, hands and knees. But it didn't change the fact that she had an episode with someone she barely new, let alone someone who was no no means a position to handle that. She figured it scared him.

Acacia closed her eyes, hoping that really didn't just happen. And to think she thought getting hit in the face with a volley ball was embarrassing. Then, this awful thought hit her. "What if he assaulted me while I was passed out?" She hated the fact that her mind went there, but she couldn't help it. Too many things have happened before, she unfortunately had to go there. All because Alex seemed like a sweet guy that wouldn't do that didn't mean anything. Good sounding people are often fake, she wasn't safe.

In a panic, she looked down at her bare chest, examining herself for possible signs of bruises and or marks. She didn't see any which made her feel better. Her fingers trailed down her waist and to her legs, feeling for any evidence of struggle or possible assault. Everything felt normal, no bite marks, nothing was stretched or touched in a bad way. She would have known, she knew the signs from before.

In relief, she let her hands float down by her hips, grazing them to feel for hand marks, anything. There was nothing. The only bruise she had was when her elbow hit the ground, breaking her fall. But other than that, it didn't seem like Alex touched her badly at all.

She felt guilty again, she kept assuming that he was a bad guy (like the others). For some reason, she couldn't get it through her head that not all guys are out to hurt others, not all guys are sex obsessed and not all guys are bad. There was good ones, even if they acted like idiots. She just couldn't help herself from her instincts, it was learned behavior. She had to be cautious.

Acacia began to slowly dose off. Her body felt warm, the cramping and fatigue seemed to was away as the water drained. She stoop up and examined her body one last time for signs of force along her inner thighs. Instead, she ended up looking at the marks across her thighs. They were faded, light and plentiful so they looked like stretch marks. There were more than one-hundred little cuts scattered across her right leg. It made her kind of sad but then she remembered that that was in the past. Her scars didn't defy her, they were proof of how far she has come. They were a silent reminder that she has grown stronger, the scars were just another aspect of her story.

Reaching for her robe, goosebumps covered her body from the chilled air. She wrapped herself with the fluffy, white garment and wrapped her hair up to dry. She grabbed her phone from the bathroom counter, flicked off the lights and laid on her bed.

Her room was quiet, Acacia turned her head to look at the stars out of her window. She closed her eyes and thought about Alex. His dark, curly hair was so soft and fitting for him. Alex's jawline and muscular body teased her imagination. He really was something else but he was a complete moron.

Like most guys, he wasn't even aware of how insensitive he is. Judging off how most guys were with her, he was probably insecure as shit but completely in denial of it. There was a good chance he based his worth off how many girls he's been with and how much money he has. There was also a solid bet that he had no idea who he was. He wasn't in tune with his emotions and he didn't understand the world around him.

He was so painfully average, why did she care?why did she even say yes? I mean, he was cute sometimes. The whole taking her to see lobsters crawl all over each other as a date was creative, definitely one she wouldn't forget but he just felt so familiar with her. Probably because he's a normal kid.

Of course, she was just judging based off of past experiences and the status quo, but there are stereotypes for a reason. As far as looks though, they were a bit better than average. He was similar to most guys but better. He seems to actually have a heart, he just doesn't understand shit yet. He seemed to try and to act nicely, he just probably makes poor choices.
"Good guy doing bad things..." she thought. He even said he doesn't realize it when he uses people, he's unaware of his impact.

Then, a thought hit her. She didn't know him yet and wasn't attached but it made her chest feel heavy. "What if he accidentally uses me too?" Acacia thought. "What if I end up like all the other girls he's fucked and called 'just friends?" He said he was trying to change but change happens after a while. What if she doesn't last that long?

Stressed out, Acacia stood up, letting the towel fall to the floor. She rushed over to her closet, got a Calvin Klein set and slipped it on. Feeling a bit chilly, she rushed back into her bed and crawled under the sheets. It reminded her of with Alex, how she woke up in his big, poofy comforter.

She closed her eyes again, in a daze, seeing Alex. Visualizing his grim and his deep eyes. They reminded her of a midnight sky. So dark with little sparks of light, scattered throughout his iris. They were so dark and big, they pierced right through her every time he looked in her direction. A rush of heat shot down her body, she curled up around her pillow.

In a weird way, she remembered him on the beach. You know, from when she got her face smashed in with a volley ball? He was tan and wearing blue swim trunks. His buddies and him were going on about sex and plans for that weekend. They wouldn't stop talking about drinking beer, playing games and taking some girls they wanted to fuck out for a beach bonfire. She couldn't remember which voice was Alex's, she wasn't paying attention and she didn't care.

Acacia did remember his body though, of all his friends, he was one of the best looking. When she was walking to sit down, she remembered looking in his direction as he jumped up to spike the ball. But then, he was nothing more than another semi-overly-average boy

The more she got to speak with him though, the more he pulled her in. He definitely had a way with his words and mannerism. He was attractive on his own but he also was super cute. Well, this strange sexy/cute she's never seen. Like when he teased her, it was playful but also vaguely hot. It made her nervous, that was probably his goal.

Her thoughts started drifting as the night went on. Acacia didn't feel like she was sleeping, but she was. She had a long day, she wanted it to end. It did in a calm manner. She dosed off into her dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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