The Big Bang - Two

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"Doctor! " Amy cried out seeing the Doctor sat in the Pandorica his head resting on the Stones while hers rested on his shoulder.

"Stone!" Rory shouted. The Time Lords sat side by side. The Stones face almost as white as a sheet. Amy and Rory ran up to the Pandorica with River. "Why did he tell us he was dead?" Rory questioned.

"We were a diversion," Amy said suddenly realising. "As long as the Dalek was chasing us, they could work down here."

"But why did she let him do it?" Rory questioned.

"And the Stone always puts others in front of herself, even if that means she has to lie it was needed."

"Was it needed?" He blanched.

"To her, yes." River nodded. "Stone, can you hear me?" She whispered patting her cheek. "Doctor?" She looked at him. "What were you two doing?"

"What's happening?" Rory frowned seeing the light from the windows in the museum somehow bring in more light making the room brighter.

"Reality's collapsing." River explained. "It's speeding up. Look at this room."

Amy's eyes widened seeing that the room was becoming much smaller. "Where'd everything go?"

"History's being erased. Time's running out. Doctor, Stone, what were you doing? Tell us. Doctor!" She shouted.

"Big Bang Two." The Doctor murmured squeezing the Stone's hand.

"The Big Bang." Rory frowned. "That's the beginning of the universe, right?"

"What, and Big Bang two is the bang that brings us back? Is that what you mean?"

"Oh." River blinked.


"The TARDIS is still burning." She said going on to explain. "It's exploding at every point in history. If you threw the Pandorica into the explosion, right into the heart of the fire."

"Then what?"

"Then let there be light." She lightly chuckled. "The light from the Pandorica would explode everywhere at once, just like they said."

"That would work?" Amy questioned. "That would bring everything back?"

"A restoration field powered by an exploding TARDIS, happening at every moment in history. Oh, that's brilliant. It might even work." She eyed the Vortex manipulator on his wrist. "They've wired the vortex manipulator to the rest of the box."


"So he can take it with him." She nodded at the Doctor. "He's going to fly the Pandorica into the heart of the explosion."

River helped the Doctor as best as she could. The Stone was still sleeping, not looking her best, head resting against the Doctors shoulder looking quite peaceful yet hurt in her sleep. The Doctor was growing more weaker by the minute, finally finishing what he was doing he pressed a kiss to the Stones forehead, the Time Lord swallowed thickly hoping that she would eventually wake up to say goodbye to Amy and Rory.

"Are you okay?" A nervous Rory asked Amy not actually sure what to say to her. Of course, he was the Stones companion and was worried sick about what the Time Lords were planning but Amy had known them longer than he had.

"Are you?" Amy questioned sharing a nervous glance with the plastic Roman.

"No." He admitted.

"Well, shut up then!" She snapped looking away from him before burying her face into his neck wanting to hide away from this.

Shattering Time [5] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now