Goodbyes for a while

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(just your non dailyosed of Zach!)

*Mariana's pov*

It's the next morning and the soon to be night the guys leave and make it to their music careers. I feel bad that they are leaving but it's to make them happy so I'm fine and they like doing it.

(A/N:Sorry I did not put anything in before with the boys doing covers. But they were when everything with Mariana was going down. Yes they cared but Maya did not let them worry about her 24/7.)

We all hop in the car to were we go and find out what to do for the day. Everyone kept staying thing while I acted like I was sleeping on Corbyns shoulder.



"Bowling!"-Jack and Corbyn

"Ihob!"- Maya and Jonah

"S-shut u-up will y-you..." I look up at them and they laugh shaking their head. "Nah." I glare at Corbyn.

"W-we go t--to ih-ob th-then bowling a-and a-aft-er chipotle! T---then b-back t-to the h-house a-and w-wa-watch m-moves?" Everyone looks at me.

"That's so smart!" Maya turns the car to get to ihob. (A/N:Why is it called Ihob cause I know 'ihop' when was it ihob?) I go back to fake sleeping cause it's fun.

"So Mariana got no sleep?" -Zach

"What did you do Corbs?"-Maya and Jonah

"Nothing we were sleeping while watching movies!"-Corbs.

"Uh huh sureeee."-Daniel and Jack

"Oh shut up you to"-Corbs.

"Wake the girl up we at Ihob!"-Maya

I feel shaking and I stay then a slap was on my face and I act like I wake up then see a phone in my face so I wink then lay back on Corbyns shoulder.

"OooOooO the girl has moves." I laugh and shakes my head. "W-whatever" Corbyn lifts me up and takes me outta the car and puts me on the floor.

I smile and we start walking in. I sit down waiting for us to go. After a little we start to leave I stand up and feel dizzy I shake my head and smile at the people going to help me.

It's probably the meds I been taking for everything the dizziness comes and goes alot. I get to the seat and lay my head on Maya's shoulder.

"Mariana you good?" I nod my head and smile at her. "I'm fine" She looks at me then nods her head. Everyone gets in a conversation so I just sit and listen to everyone.

Our drinks come. I take Maya's bag and go through it looking for something to stop the pain and dizziness. She puts her hand on mine. "What's wrong your looking and freaking out."

I look at her. "P-pills" She look at me more. "You have the pain and dizziness?" I nod my head and she goes through it and hands me a pill. "That should work and if you get food in you it'll be better."

I nod my head and smile taking the pill. Corbyn looks at me and I shake my head and smile. He looks at Maya and she just shakes her head telling him to drop it.

He goes back to talking to Jonah and Zach. I sit and play with the drink and drink some. After all that we take our orders. We get our food and eat...well I took two bites and stopped.

We leave the place then go bowling. I shake my head to playing cause I'm not in the mood to play. They nod their head and play. Corbyn sits with me the whole time and everyone pays attention to the game.

Corbyn just sares at me. I move uncomfortablely "s-stopp" He smiles and shakes his head. "Your beautiful." I look at him and shake my head moving my hair.

After while of him telling me how pretty I am and me shaking my head he put me on his lap. Zach smiles seeing me and Corbyn.

Everyone plays and then the game ends with Zach and Jack winning cause they tied. We leave and go to Chipotle. Cause it's Zach's favorite.

We get our food and just drive to the house and eat at the house. I eat alittle then go up to my room. I shut the door and lay down on my bed.

The door opens and I turn over. "Mariannaaa...." It's Corbyn. "Y-yes.." He turns me to him. "What's wrong?"

I look at him. "Y-your g-going to f-forget me?" He shakes his head. He smiles big. "Change into something your comfortable in." I walk to my choset and puts on a sweater that's a band merch and sweat pants. I look at him and he smiles.

He walks over and moves my hair and kisses me. "W-what?" He pulls me on the bed with me on top of him the takes a picture of me trying to hide my face and him laughing.

"Beautiful." I watch what he does and he puts it as his lock screen and smiles at me. "So I'll always remember your beautiful face. And know that your my girlfriend."

He takes my hand and we walk down and watch movies with everyone. After five movies it's time for the boys to leave. Me and Maya drive them to the airport and we all hug before the guys got on.

We hugged. Corbyn kissed me and held me tight then walked away and hopped on the plane ready to go. I walk with Maya and we get to the house.

"Zach wanted me to give you this it's a note." She hands me a note.

"Dear Mariana Rose Matthew I know before everything happened I was an bigggg ass I know. But I wrote this so you know that you have nothing to worry about Corbyn loves you so much. Jonah is Jonah. Jack and Daniel care about you. And me I'm thankful that I got to have you as a sister and had you forever. Now remember me if I glow up and go big I'll try and get you and Maya to come down to where ever we are so you can see us. Love Zachary Dean Herron. (Ps. I'll make sure Bean does not get feelings for someone else or I'll kill him)

I smile at the note and put it in my room. Me and Maya slept together for the night.

Bye......that's it....

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