On A Wednesday

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I've come to the conclusion that we're all broken in some way. And there are no set rules in life, because it's a complicated string of moments put together.

Some good. Some bad.

There are no absolutes in life. And this is how he found me.

He spun a web for me. Entangled me from the start with his smartass mouth and those devilish eyes.

My name on his lips is like a brandishing iron. He marked me months ago. He traces a finger slowly along my jawline. I don't move a muscle or speak one word.

I stand tall and stiff in front of the man who took my heart and love the threw it out like yesterday's trash. But underneath, I'm a volcano ready to erupt, spilling hot lava on anyone who is near me.

I want to burn him, as I did months ago before I truly knew him. I want him to feel pain. My pain.

Instead, I just I stare and I stare. At those eyes who made me weak in knees. Those eyes who made my heart pound and the blood drain from my head. Those eyes who opened me to new experiences.

Those eyes that lied to me constantly.

I'm a myriad of emotions. One spilling into the next. I'm dizzy on my anger. Broken on my tears. Numb to the scene I had just witnessed.

I'm not sure if my brain is processing the events fast enough. The wheels of my mind slowly turning. Recalling every moment I've had with this man.

Every touch. Every kiss. All the intimacy we've ever shared. Now I see it burning. Fire. The blue and red flames caressing those moments, burning them to ashes.

Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.

This is how we begin.
This is how we end.

And everything between was a tragedy and a sin.

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