The Prince and The Princess

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"Yes, Griffin."

"I want to tell you a story. But...."

"But what?"

"I'd like to help change the ending."

"Okay, buddy. How would you change it?"

"No. Let me tell the story first."


Once upon a time there was a princess that lived in a kingdom far far away. But in this kingdom all was not well. There was anger and sorrow aplenty among the people, but people have their struggles as all people do. The princess worried about the people and tried her best to take care of them despite the forces against her.

And across that kingdom ventured a dark prince and like any prince, he was waiting. Waiting for that special princess, that would make his world complete, only he didn't know it. And one day the princess and prince happened upon each other. At first glance, they despised each other. But unknown forces kept throwing them in each other's paths.

And one day the prince found the princess crying and decided that he would help her find a love much like her parents. As the weeks passed the princess and prince grew to like each other and that like eventually turned into love. But like the kingdom the couple had forces against them. Those forces turned them against each other. Then the prince made mistakes that hurt the princess.

But the story doesn't end there.....

"So it doesn't end? And just where did you hear this story?"

"I overheard Grandma and aunt Cerys talking about them. I wanna change the ending, to have uncle Jude and Tate love each other again."

"First rule of thumb, never listen to anything your aunt Cerys says or tells you. And I better not catch you eavesdropping anymore!"

"Okay, daddy. So, can we do it?"

"Do what?"

"Change the ending. So uncle Jude and Tate can be together."

"I don't know if we can, bud."

"But I want to try! I like Tate, daddy. I miss her. Uncle Jude is different when she's around!"

"You and me both, son. You and me both."

"So, can we do it?"


I stand frozen in place as I watch my brother and nephew talk about us, knowing we cannot be seen or heard. I had no idea the kid felt this way. On one hand, how would I know since I've hardly seen my family since this entire thing had started.

The few times that Tatum met my family they fell head over heels for her. She was an unbreakable force with kids. The rest of my family just followed along.

"Cute kid. It's hard to believe he kin to you." The bastard sneered and waved a hand in my direction. "Come along we have many more memories to see, before you finish your final fate."

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