Chapter 1

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"T-Talk? I don't even know you..."

I murmur the last part, annoyed more than intimidated at this point. Her eyes narrow gently, creasing the skin around her forehead in quiet contemplation.


She repeats her name, I bite back a sigh, taking note of the British accent soaking her words.

"No, I got that... I mean-"

I hesitate, silently despising the way she stared at me, like it's my own fault for not understanding.

"What are you?"

She gives a slight nod, lips pressing into a tight line as if this information is somehow too much to ask. A minute passes, then another, and she still doesn't speak.

"Another demon?"

I bite back a sigh letting the words come out an unintentionally harsh snap, though she hardly seems affected by the brash tone. Simply giving a slight shake of her head.

"Quite the opposite..."

I feel my eyes narrow, a silent "what" hovering over my tongue, yet not spoken. She waits another minute, expecting the information to settle without a struggle. Finally she sighs, hand moving up to pinch the bridge of her nose in exasperation.

"Are you always this stupid? Or is today a special occasion?"

I frown at the childish reply, but bite back a snarky response. Giving a seconds time for me to reply she sighs once more, dropping hand to her side with clear annoyance.

"I am an ethereal being... What you may call an angel..."

I hardly hear the entirety of her sentence, clinging to that single word with a dumbfounded look.

Angel... they exist?

She gives me a few minutes of silence, a few minutes to look her over in a new light. She's an angel? I expected more in all honesty.


She finally speaks again realizing I wasn't about to.

"Now that that's out of the way let's say we-"

"You exist?"

I blurt out the words before I can even think to restrain myself. Her eyes narrow at the interruption but she nods, respectful despite my lack of such a thing.

"You thought there was only hell? You thought everything was that dark pit of despair?"

I give sheepish nod at this. In all honesty after everything, I never considered there to be anything better. Then again, maybe I just didn't want to think about any of it. She sighs, tucking a black strand behind her ear instead of berating me like I could tell she wanted to do.

"Well aren't you morbid..."

She mutters the words more to herself than me, I purposefully ignore them.

"But I thought angels were-"

"Let me guess, you thought we were these beautiful creatures, fluffy wings, halos, harps here to bring peace to you sniveling beings?"

I stifle my offense, and give another slight nod. Maybe not the whole fluffy wings bullshit, but I certainly expected more than a female who stood at least a full head shorter than me, one who would speak with such human-like rudeness.

"I know I'm not much to look at in this form... but it's the easiest way to talk to humans, to take on a harmless figure that they can process..."

I hate the way she talks about us humans, like we're so much below a holy being like herself. I feel annoyance begin to overpower any previous wonder. She must take notice of this as she cuts off the small rant, half-complaining about looking in such a way, while offering such information.

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