Chapter 6

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~~~~~~~Sean's POV~~~~~~~~~

I don't halt, I don't hesitate, I don't even look back towards Nate as I turn that doorknob, listening to the soft creak for a moment too long before stepping inside the dimmed room.

Dark hadn't sat back down, hadn't calmed in the slightest it seems. He paced as I entered, each step graceful despite how much fury they contained, I look down at the floor beneath him almost expecting it to be burned by his rage. He only stops as the door closes behind me. It takes a minute or two for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but I could feel his eyes on me without being able to actually see him. Only when I can see the silhouette of his form do I step in further.

Did he get taller?

I notice how he towers above me, chest puffed out in a clear show of dominance. Mark is taller than me by maybe an inch, so why does Dark seem much bigger. It takes me a minute to realize I'm slouching down, curling into myself instinctually. I silently cuss at my body, but my muscles don't seem to listen as I try to straighten up.

"Back so soon..."

His words are a statement rather than a question, but I nod anyway, ignoring the way his eyes trail over me. My eyes adjust a bit more, until I can make out the details of his torn suit and tousled hair. One thing is different, I can see his hands now cuffed in front of his torso, make out the unreadable symbols carved into the steel.

I narrow my eyes at this. He must have looped his arms around after we left, somehow that's worse.

"I'm sorry about what happened... But we really need to talk..."

He almost looks surprised at the apology; his eyes scan my face as if looking for indication of a lie. Finding none he gives a curt nod. He walks forward a bit, I feel my feet carry me backwards.

A small smile plays on the demons' pink lips, but he walks past me and around the twin sized bed that sits to the side of the spare bedroom he'd been forced to occupy. A shabby thing with a simple cream-colored comforter and a couple white pillows piled at the headboard. He sits on the edge and stares at me expectantly. Noticing my hesitance, he gestures to the space beside him on the mattress. I remain standing, feeling a bit better now that he doesn't glower over me. He looks almost amused at this.

"No Mark? I didn't think he'd allow you up here alone, Sean."

I try to ignore the way his words melt into a purr, the fact that his rage still bubbles just below the surface makes that all the more awful.

"I don't need a babysitter..."

I match his volume with an attempted snarl, that comes out pathetically feeble. Again, he grins.

"Maybe not..."

He murmurs the words, eyes never leaving my face.

"Regardless, I'm surprised you'd come alone..."

"Why's that...?"

I can't help the question from passing through my lips and bite my tongue as that gets me another amused gaze from the demon, he wants me to keep talking, and that makes me all the more unwilling.

"You're afraid of me, are you not?"

I feel my face drain at the tone in his voice. A certain sense of danger tingling the back of my neck. I quickly shake my head, feeling the denial run deep. Looking pleased the demon stands once again, and again I feel my stance waver. I cuss under my breath.

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