off to a great start, aren't we ?? wow
anyway i was talking to my friend over snapchat today and she was like "wow i've become so close with so many people over the summer so far is that weird" and i decided to open my Big Mouth and be like "lol i'm not rly close to anyone anymore so i'm prolly not the best person to be talking 2 about this" and now she's pissed because she thinks i don't trust her !! which is only partially true !! bc i trust her !! to an extent !! but like !! there's shit i don't tell ANYONE but like ??? idk ????? now i'm just upset bc i Fuck Everything Up wow
funkytown ; more ramblings from a dumb stupid idiot
Vampirespam two! everyone's least favorite disaster bi, back at it again ©️ 2018, radgnarly