part 2

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Forgotten Son: Rebirth of the Otsutsuki Clan

Chapter 2

I don't own Naruto

Naruto stared blankly at his doctor and once again attempted to walk only to be stopped again by the doctor who then did his best to guide Naruto back to his bed while Naruto's parents tried to figure just what Naruto had done to his sister.

After a few minutes the doctor managed to get the boy back to the bed before he turned to Minato and Kushina "How is he awake… even with the Kyuubi's chakra it should have taken at least a day for him to awaken?"

Minato spoke first "I don't know he just stood up suddenly and then he did something to Naruko with the Kyuubi's chakra." as Minato said this he pulled up his daughter whom was still withering from whatever Naruto had done before pulling her shirt up and channeling chakra to the seal to see if anything had changed.

Minato gave a sigh of relief as it appeared that nothing had changed but he was wrong there was a tiny seal barely visible to the human eye near the seals the controlled where the chakra went this was made through burning the flesh into the shape of the seal with the large amount of chakra from the Kyuubi.

The doctor sighed and walked over to Naruko leaving Naruto on the bed the doctor checked Naruko's pulse and pupil dilation before running a diagnostic jutsu confirming that the Hokage's daughter was fine aside from the spasms.

"Well your daughter seems fine but I have yet to check your son again." the Doctor then moved back to Naruto and repeated the process that he had done with Naruko before backing away slightly "Well your son seems to be under a trance of some variety might be some sort of instinct to take in the nine tails chakra since he was exposed to it his whole life especially so whilst in the womb."

Kushina cut him off before he could continue "A trance like a genjutsu?" the Doctor paused and collected his thoughts before he spoke again Naruko sat up confused.

"A trance is more psychological and while it takes longer than a genjutsu to prepare it has more hold on the victim although certain poisons can do similar things." said the Doctor gesturing to Naruto. Naruko managed to stand before she glared at Naruto.

Suddenly Naruto seemed to regain his sense of self and he fell back into the bed with a groan of pain as the bandages around his chest began to bleed slightly as the cuts in his chest reopened due to the movement and withdrawal of Kyuubi chakra which had seemingly vanished but in actuality was drawn into Naruto.

Naruto stumbled back before he let loose a scream and spasm as the Kyuubi's chakra burned the receiver seal into his very coils allowing the chakra to enter directly into his chakra network making his chakra denser and have more in general.

The doctor quickly moved to Naruto's bed before pressing the call button and not long after a group of nurses rushed in and began trying to figure out what was wrong with the boy and while that happened the Hokage and co were shoved out of the room.

5 minutes later all the hospital staff exited the room and the doctor paused his brows furrowed in confusion before he gestured for the trio to move closer to him "I can't find anything wrong with him aside from the fact that his chakra capacity and density is growing quickly and it has an odd color to it according to one of the Hyuuga nurses…although I can't be sure but for a second I thought that your boy's eyes were different and not only that but when I saw that he wasn't looking at us he was looking at nothing but he had a look of recognition in his eyes like he was seeing something we weren't …it was unsettling to say the least so for the night at least we need to hold him for the night."

With Naruto later that night

Naruto sat quietly in his bed his right hand resting over his stomach as he looked through his window at the moon which to him appeared to house a sharigan like design but with rings and many more tomes than the usual three and along with the moon Naruto was treated to the sight of a beautiful yet rather pale and slightly see through woman whom had three eyes two Hyuuga eyes in regular the place eyes should be and then there was the third eye the one with a matching design to the moon centered in her forehead.

This woman said nothing made no movement aside from blinking just stood er floated above him at first he tried ignoring her but his patients was wearing thin now so he turned looked her in two of her three eyes this seemed to get a reaction from her she blinked in surprise and her frowned deepened slightly "How can you see me?" Naruto simple mimicked her frown "I don't know and I don't particularly care I would like to know though…are you real?"

The woman's frown became a deep rooted scowl "Yes I am real but I still wish to know how you are able to see me…although now that I have gotten a good look at you, your chakra is more like mine than any of these 'ninja' of modern day." the woman moved closer and actually touched his face causing him to flinch as her hands softly trailed his cheeks as she stared into his eyes.

The woman almost flinched as his eyes changed showing a pattern similar to her own Shari-renningan and after a moment of contemplation she spoke "I will teach you."

Naruto pulled away from her hands with a confused look causing the Shari-renningan to disappear "What are you talking about…what would you teach me?" asked Naruto looking the woman whom he was almost sure was a hallucination at this point.

The women moved closer to him again before her Shari-renningan focused in on Naruto and she replied "Everything." and with that she channeled a bit of Chakra into her eye and pulled Naruto into a mix of her's and Naruto's mindscape.

When Naruto opened his eyes again he was greeted by two very clashing things, a large library and a huge beautiful and a single black line separating the two backgrounds.

The woman was much more tangible looking she was sitting in the front of the woods of her mindscape surrounded by big fluffy carrot eating bunnies Naruto however was rested in a seat at the only table in his library mindscape and after a second he brought his head up from its resting position off of the table before he began looking around taking in the area around him.

The library was expansive and seemed to never end it was at that point that a black and white rabbit bounced onto his table on his head and then dashed into the library not even giving Naruto a proper chance to register it.

After a moment Naruto turned to where the blur of fluff had come from and was greeted by the woman waving him over before she began lightly petting one of the rabbits which had taken residency in the woman's lap.

Naruto got up pushed his chair into the table before moving over into the other mindscape stopping once he reached the small field of bunnies "So where are we?" asked Naruto as he sat down and began stroking the closest bunny to him.

The woman looked up at him from her rabbit "We are within a conjoined mindscape of yours and my own mine being this forest and the Library being yours."

Naruto looked back at the library then back at her "And that thing that hit me, I am assuming it is a rabbit?"

The woman nodded "It is a rabbit and it's a piece of me to connect us once the mindscapes disconnect." Naruto nodded but gained a confused look near the end of her dialog "Why would you need a piece of yourself in my head?"

The woman just stared at him until he looked away from her but then she spoke "I need to be able to talk to my student while I am away."

"Student?" asked Naruto earning a nod from the woman "And since we are now teacher and student let us introduce ourselves, I am Kaguya Otsutsuki."

And cut

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