forgotten son: Rebirth of the otsutsuki

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Naruto's no doubt would have twitched his day was shitty enough after his biological donors tried to corner him before he left for school and now his sister was challenging him publicly even going as far as to mock him before issuing a bet.

"If I win you forgive me and you go back to how you were before your little accident!" Stated Naruko arrogantly as she stood on her side of the little dirt ring that the academy used for spars.

Naruto raised a single eyebrow at her before replying "You know I am rather curious about that what did you and Minato and Kushina tell everyone about what happened?" Naruko began to sweat slightly their parents had wanted to keep what happened under wraps and so they said that Naruto injured himself while training himself.

At her anxious look Naruto's relatively blank face began crease as a soft almost delicate smile spread across his face before continuing "Oh so they don't know that it was you who put me in the hospital after you lost control of the Kyuubi and attacked me…Tsk Tsk Naruko lying is bad." Naruto could help but snicker internally as the looks his sister was now getting and several children were already whispering to each other whilst occasional taking fearful and confused looks at Naruko while Iruka and Miziki looked on in confusion unsure whether or not to believe their student.

Naruko on the other hand was grinding her teeth she could hear some of the things the other kids were saying but her attention was drawn back to Naruto as he spoke again "Naruko I will take you up on that bet but in return if I win you will serve as my test dummy for some of my experiments."

Naruko smirked at Naruto before replying "Your on just don't burst into tears when you lose Naruto." Naruto lost his smile and stared his sister in the eyes for a few seconds before looking at Iruka, the elder male got the hint and nodded before readying his arm to start the match and once he was sure the two were ready he swiped his arm down starting the match.

Naruto fell into a stance that Zetsu had taught him while Naruko rushed in before attempting to hit Naruto in the chest in an attempt to knock the wind out of him but Naruto slapped her hand away angling it just past his head before striking Naruko in the throat causing the girl to gasp and wheeze as she clutched at her throat and backed away.

Naruto rushed in and punched the girl in the face the crunch of cartilage in her nose was heard by everyone present as was Naruko's cry of pain and within a second Naruto was in her guard and laying into her chest and stomach with hard punches and just like that a switch was flipped and a small and faint cloak of red enveloped Naruko and several kids in the crowd screamed.

Naruko roared and swiped at Naruto tearing the front of his shirt in four lines but he managed to dodge enough to avoid any serious physical harm just a four faintly bleeding lines on his chest to show for the attack Iruka immediately body flickered away to get the Hokage.

Naruto smiled he could feel how faint the Kyuubi's chakra was as compared to when she first attacked him hence only the faint aura of red instead of the intense cloak Naruto rushed forward and punched her in the nose again causing the nose to break a second time and whilst her head was thrown back he got behind her and put her in a choke hold while making sure to restrain her arms.

This however only lasted a few seconds before Naruto was pulled away by the scruff of his shirt before being thrown away Naruto managed to land on his feet before turning to look at who had grabbed/thrown him it was Minato the man was staring his daughter a second before rushing in and applying a seal to Naruko before turning to face Naruto a scowl on his face as he picked up Naruko and walked over to Naruto before roughly grabbing Naruto's arm before vanishing in his signature yellow flash.

At the Hokage tower

Minato almost threw Naruto at one of the seats before gently placing Naruko in the other before he turned to Naruto with an anger that only a truly upset parent could muster before he tried to smack Naruto across the face Naruto had other plans however he ducked.

This only seemed to increase Minato's "What in the hell do you think you were doing Naruto you exposed Naruko's secret you have put her in danger?!"

Naruto simply tilted and replied "Like letting your son get his chest torn out by his Yoki crazed sister?" Minato's face contorted into a snarl.

"WE HAVE TRIED TO REACH OUT TO YOU!" yelled Minato but Minato was shocked when Naruto released his own snarling reply.

"AFTER YOUR DAUGHTER EXPOSED MY INTERNAL ORGANS!" Minato flinched as Naruto continued but in way more similar to his usual tone "I was left alone to the point that I made most of my meals for years I had to steal money from you and Kushina to buy myself cloths because you would never listen to me long enough for me to request any…family cares for one another and if that is the case Hokage then you and your ilk aren't my family…look at the situation we are in right now the second you arrived you didn't check on me at all you just threw me away and sealed the Yoki away before manhandling me."

Minato froze as he processed what Naruto had said he didn't even notice Naruto get up and move to the door however what Naruto said next caught his attention "This was the last straw for me Minato expect some papers in the morning as well as a council meeting." Minato looked up just in time for the door to his office to close.

As soon as the door clicked shut a sly smile made its way onto his face before he schooled his features and began walking down the steps making sure to grab some papers from the secretary that would allow him to self-excommunicate himself from his clan meanwhile he felt his some of the clones pop and he smiled internally as the memories came and informed him that he now had a copy of the entire clan library.

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