part 3

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Forgotten Son: Rebirth of the Otsutsuki Clan

Chapter 3

I don't own Naruto

3 whole years have passed within the combined mindscapes and Naruto was learning every second of the time he spent there but in reality only 6 months had passed but still plenty of time to train under Kaguya.

Within the mindscapes

Naruto took in a deep breath as Kaguya place her hand on his head and forced some of her chakra into Naruto and to her pleasure Naruto's body began to change as with every other time she did this but this time the changes were quick not slow and subtle as they were when they first began.

His horns grew and like hers they were animal like but unlike hers his took a form akin to that of a fox's most like due to that being the main pool of energy she was drawing from but aside from that, his skin paled almost matching hers in tone and his hair changed becoming silver-ish blond with faint red streaks Kaguya then pulled her hand away.

After a moment Naruto opened his red and rippled and stared up at his teacher whom gave a blank stare hiding her thoughts from him as always and so Naruto asked "Are you pleased sensei?"

Kaguya gave a small nod in response before she stood gesturing for him to follow which Naruto complied and got up following his master as she lead him to her forest where she sat and drew the rabbits near her to her lap Naruto wanting his own lap pet conjured a ten tailed wolf pup which nuzzled into his lap as soon as it settled.

As he stroked his conjured animal he looked to his master "We haven't sat here since we first met, Sensei why have you brought me here?"

The rabbit goddess softly scratched her rabbit's ears before speaking her words now much softer than any time she spoke before "This is where our training began and thus it is a good place to end it and to leave you with your mission."

Naruto could only nod at her words despite the slight sadness it brought him "Is your presence fading sensei?"

Kaguya gave a small nod confirming what Naruto had said "I am indeed fading but I shall return when you revive me my student so I shall leave you with your mission and a final reward so approach me Naruto."

Naruto dispelled his wolf pup and approached his master and sat down in front of her at which point she gently shoved the rabbit off of her lap Naruto could almost see through her already as she rested her hands on her lap before speaking again "First allow me to give you your mission capture the Jinjuriki and resurrect me and become my equal in power my son Zetzu shall help you with this once you awaken as I have informed him about you…and now for your reward." Kaguya leaned down and kissed Naruto's forehead gently before pulling away.

She gave him a small smile and spoke one last time as she became almost entirely see through "Please bring me back soon Naruto."

As Kaguya disappeared from the mindscape entirely her mindscape also began to collapse leaving the massive library of Naruto's mind in silence as Naruto took in his mindscape somehow it felt more lonesome than ever before.

Outside the mindscape in the hospital

Naruto sat up in bed and instantly his monitors went crazy before settling down with a continues and monotone screech as Naruto pulled the cables out of his body and within a few minutes a doctor and a few nurses were in the room.

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