part 6

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Naruto was sitting in front of the council on a chair provided to him before the whole council was addressed by Minato ordering the meeting to begin.

"We the council are here by convened on request of Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki." stated Minato "You may now state your reason for calling this council son."

Naruto snorted at Minato before speaking "I am not your son you have made that perfectly clear to me these past few weeks Minato and as for my reasoning for requesting for the honorable council to convene is that I wish to self-excommunicate myself from the Namikaze and Uzumaki clans as they have proven themselves incapable of taking care of one of their two children namely me."

The Hyuuga clan head spoke first "Where is your proof of this neglect?" Naruto reached into a bag and produced a medical file his medical file before pulling several copies of his wounds and injuries when Naruko had first attacked him.

"These are the supposed 'self-inflicted' wounds that happened during my 'self-training' the ones that put me in a coma which many of you no doubt heard about…" Naruto saw several heads nod and saw Minato and Kushina pale considerably "These wounds were actually caused by my sister who had temporarily lost control of the tail beast inside her and as credence look at the doctor's notes and note the underlined word."

Many looked at Minato and Kushina a look of confusion for some others it was a pleading look mentally begging for Naruto to be lying and that they hadn't tried to cover up the attack but at the couple's refusal to meet their eyes they joined everyone else in looking at the file and reading the lines Naruto had mentioned Subject's wounds appear to be heavily tained with yokai.

"Minato and Kushina tried to cover up their daughter's assault and loss of control and the way they chose to do this was also stupid blaming my wounds on me and that is a another subject of mention they refused to train me but trained Naruko all the while and this also made my life difficult in Naruko's own treatment of me." said Naruto before pausing and flipping one of the pages on the paper that he kept with him.

"If you would flip to the next page you will see a diagram of old wounds I have received throughout the years which I may also mention that I was never brought to the hospital for due to Minato's and Kushina's neglect even for the several broken arms and legs I have received and the only reason I have been able to go on as I have is because of the Uzumaki healing and some self-taught healing jutsu." Naruto paused as Tsume raised her hand.

"What do these wounds have to Naruko?" asked Tsume already having an idea but she wanted to confirm although she hoped that she was wrong.

Naruto let a small smile cross his face and for a brief moment everyone was stunned Naruto was a rather beautiful child even with the fox like horns sprouting from his head and after that moment Naruto spoke "Well all these wounds were inflicted by Naruko would be taught and then use her newly learned moves on me and I was unable to deny her a fight or else she would run to her parents and complain and then they would force me to fight her."

Several people especially the civilians looked aghast at Minato and Kushina Minato looked down in shame but Kushina was stuck looking at all the pictures and words showing or describing all the wounds her son had received while under her care but her eyes lingered on the parts mentioning his chest wounds several healed cases of broken or cracked ribs before the most recent along with the long deep scratched marring his chest and stomach.

Suddenly Naruto sat down and sat his paper in his lap "If you still feel the need you can contest my request but be warned I have a mountain of evidence backing me Minato, Kushina."

Minato looked up and was about to speak but the stares of his fellow council members silenced the words in his throat and he looked back at the table Kushina however didn't let the stares of her fellow council members and friends, now possibly ex-friends at this point, and spoke "You are my little boy you can't just leave us your family!"

Naruto didn't speak at first he just held up his paper and pointed at it before finally speaking "Family takes care of each other and protect one another and if that is the case then what about you and your 'family' has been a family to me Kushina?"

Kushina couldn't help the tears that prickled at her eyes nor could she stop them from leaving when her son her only son stared at her with uncaring eyes.

Minato looked up again and this time he spoke "Please just let us try again, please Naruto."

Naruto's reply was cold and detached "I wasted most of my life trying to get your attention and love I am not wasting another second of my time or energy."

Minato cringed before speaking "All in favor of legalizing Naruto's excommunication from Namikaze and Uzumaki clan?" the majority raised their hands earning a larger cringe from Minato and an almost silent sob from Kushina before Minato asked for all against and of course Kushina, himself, and two others raised their hands and Naruto's excommunication had become official.

Minato with his shoulders slumped spoke "Are there any more things to be brought up during this council meeting?" and to everyone's surprise Naruto spoke again.

"Yes I would like to start a clan." this statement caused several people in the room to gap at the boy and one of the civilians, one of the few to vote in Kushina and Minato's favor, laughed before speaking.

"And what permits you the right to start a clan?" to this Naruto just smiled raised his hand and to the shock of many his bone began to grow out of his arm becoming a long blade.

"I have the dead bone pulse…I discovered this ability after I had woken up from my coma." said Naruto admiring the blade before grasping it and snapping it free before pushing chakra into it and making take the shape of an actual sword.

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