8. Gesundheit

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          The rain had finally slowed, until it came to a complete stop. All of those who were underground continued to gaze at the roof for the duration of the storm. Once it had come to a complete stop, sirens began to sound in the distance. Angel was sitting on a dusted barrel before she stood to her feet to open the barn door to peer out. "Alright, we're clear. But before we go, you all need to cover your feet."

A girl not much younger than Angel herself appeared confused by this announcement. "Um... we are already wearing shoes," she said in a slightly condescending tone.

Angel shot the girl a harsh look. "What's your name?"

"Rachel," she replied slowly.

"Rachel... that's a very old fashioned name. Unfortunately the world isn't old fashioned anymore. I told your leader about the rain, and I'm sure you heard it too. If you want to enter my colony without having to burn your shoes, I suggest you cover your shoes with something disposable."

"Benjamin... my name's Benjamin."

"Gesundheit. Now let's get something to cover everyone's feet!" She snapped her fingers to get everyone to move.

"I didn't sneeze," he mumbled.


Not much time had passed before everyone's feet were covered in things such as plastic bags, aluminum foil, and Cheetos bags. No one was too happy about it, but they had promised to do what Angel instructed.

"Is everyone's feet covered?" She glanced at everyone's shoes.

"Are everyone's feet covered," Rachel corrected.

"It's okay, you don't have to repeat what I said... they heard me."

As they spoke to one another, everyone glanced at one another to make sure they were secure. Finally, Peter spoke up and said, "We are good to go!"

"Cool. Alright, then. Follow me, okay? Don't lag behind. We've got a long way to walk before sundown," she said.

"If it's a long way to go, how did you get here so early," asked Ben.

"I took a bus," she replied without thinking.

"A bus?! Why would we walk when we could take the bus?" Ben, like everyone else, was confused... as well as slightly angry.

"You can't take the bus," she said. "You haven't been vaccinated and you weren't wearing a covering, or a gas mask. You don't have papers either. No one would let you on their bus."

"Can't they make an exception?" Ben raised a brow at her.

She stared at him for a moment before blurting out a calm, "No."

"What do you mean, no? Can't you just say we were wearing them?"

"I could, but we could be punished for lying. We can just walk, c'mon." With that, she began to lead them out the barn. All paused for a moment, considering Benjamin hadn't moved yet. Finally he did, and rushed to be closer behind. Everyone else followed suit.

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