Chapter Ten

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"Merlin, you look as if you've downed ten glasses of Butterbeer," commented Lavender as Elenora, Parvati, and she struggled their way up to their dorms, mounds of textbooks weighing them down.

"I don't believe that," scoffed Elenora, managing to open the dorm with her free hand. She dashed to empty her arms out on her bed, "I have to at least look like I've downed thirty."

"Either way, you've drunken something and it's concerning." giggled Parvati, now sat at the edge of her bed, which was clustered by messily laid notebooks and quills.

"I'm just anxious," reassured the noirette, letting out an exasperated chuckle. "That's all, I promise."

That she was. All day, throughout the classes, she had spent daydreaming how she would compose the letter. Not to mention how it would be received.

Lavender struggled with a hairbrush through her locks, murmuring, "Anxious about what, exactly? Don't tell me it's all that Gryffindor sadness, Elen-Ow," she hissed and went back to attacking her curls with the brush.

Elenora mutely shook her head, gleaning a good amount of parchment, a handful of quills, and a bottle of ink. She clutched the essentials to her chest, being met with a racing heart, though it didn't surprise her.

"Sending a letter to someone you admire, then?" observed Parvati, who was toying with a lively butterfly clip.

"You could say that..." trailed off Elenora, cogitating her next action in regards to the letter. She peeped at a minor smirk that came across Parvati's face, hastily adding, "It isn't anyone I fancy, Parvati."

"Fine." Parvati mumbled, waving Lavender off as the girl nudged her in prudence. "But when you do, tell me all about it?"

Chuckling and clambering onto her bed, Elenora plopped her things onto her nightstand, and laid back onto the multiple pillows surrounding her. As she crossed her legs and laid her supplies out in there, the girl grabbed the feather hastily.

Dipping her quill into the ink, she paused for a moment when it nearly just met the parchment.

Her hand tensed and her apprehension multiplied. Elenora stared down the paper for moments on end as it stared back, nothing correlating between them on the paper unless she were to suck it up and simply write.

Dear Aunt Cecilia,

It was her breath that hitched once the scratching of the quill was audible. She willed herself to continue, no matter how uncomfortable or insecure she felt about the situation.

I've made it to Hogwarts and it's everything I could possibly imagine and more. The design, the teachers, and not to mention, the atmosphere, gave me instant euphoria and apprehension all at once.

After two full days of classes, I can say it's an overwhelming experience. Yet, at the same time, it's too exciting to give up on.

The classes gave her ultimate frustration, but exhilaration. The desire to reach new levels of life interested her, yet handling the failure was a difficult thing to deal with for her.

Which basically describes all of the classes here. Professor Quirrel, of Defence Against the Dark Arts, is my favorite right now. The class teaches you how to protect yourself against most things in an entertaining way. Though the students never seem to take him seriously.

Rowena, Quirrel's class was the most interesting to Elenora. She often dreamed of how she could be in those spots and accomplish such feats.

Professor Binns, on the other hand, isn't much of an entertainer. Instead, his class drags on to most of the students. Not me, however. His class is appealing, since it elaborates more on the way things are run and how they came to be.

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