Chapter 5

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Hey guys!!! Okay I'm shocked and excited because the other day, maybe like on Tuesday (7/15/14), I looked to see how many people have been reading my fanfic and I had like 285 reads (i don't know since I don't remember the number but it was somewhat in that number range. So today I looked to see how many I had and I had like 423 reads. Like oh my god am I that good at writing with the little help from my best friend?!?!?!?! But thank you so much guys. 

Now go on and read the rest of the chapter!!!!!!


Kayla's POV:

Before Alex and Austin left to go back to Alex's room, I told them that I just wanted to be alone to relax, calm down from all of the sad news, and take a nap. But what they don't know is that I was not going to take a nap. I was going to write chapter 74 of my Austin Mahone fanfic on WattPad. 

*A/N - I know that Austin has a thing with the number 74 so I just had to do it. Just to make a little tiny funny joke/part in this chapter.*

*30 minutes later*

I just finished writing chapter 74 and now I'm going to update and post it on WattPad. I have already like over 2+ million readers for my fanfic. I'm so proud of myself for making a fanfic about Austin that almost the whole country loves. And I only had my fanfic up for only like a 3 months. No one not even Alex knows that I write and have an Austin Mahone fanfic, which I'm trying to keep it that way.

I closed out of WattPad and decided to go check on Alex and Austin since I don't hear any noise coming from Alex's room. I got up from the bed and walked to my door. I walked through my door and went down the hall to Alex's door. I tried to open the door but it's locked, of course.

But my parents always kept a set of keys for all the doors in the house in their bedroom by their TV. So I went to their room and got the extra key for Alex's room. Ugh like everytime I came in here, all I could think of now is how much I miss my dad. I miss him so much :'( .

I got the key and went to Alex's door. I put the key in the key hole in the door knob. I unlocked the door and put the set of keys in my pocket in my jeans. 

I slowly turned the door knob and slowly peeked my head in. I saw nothing, so I slowly opened the door even more and went in slowly. When I was in his room completely, I looked around to see if I could find them in here. I went over to the bed and saw Austin sleeping like an angel in Alex's bed and I also looked around the room more and saw Alex sleeping on the floor by his TV. 

So I went over to my room and grabbed one of the extra blankets that I have in my closet. Then I went back to Alex's room and put the blanket over Alex so he don't get cold. After I put the blanket on Alex, I went over to Austin, who by the way looked super adorable, cute, sexy, and hot when he's sleeping.

I went over to give him a kiss on the lips but when I was about a centimeter away from his lips, he reached out and pulled me into his chest while he was sleeping. 

So I just decided that I was going to take a nap after all that has happen. So I just kicked my shoes off and cuddled up against his chest while he had his arms around my waist but when I moved into his chest move to get more comfortable, I felt his hands travel down towards my lower back/ass. But I just put my hands around his waist. 

I just smiled because I just love the feeling of sleeping next to him and slowly I just drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Next thing I knew was that I was sleeping with Austin in my arms.

Austin's POV:

I was about to get up when I felt someone climb into the bed next to me. But I just kept my eyes shut so she would think that I was sleeping. I knew who it was because she just smelt so good. I knew that it was Kayla. So I just put my hands around her waist and pulled her into my chest so she don't have to be cold since it was kind of cold in here. Then I felt her move closer to me to get comfortable I guess. 

Once she got comfortable, I decided to move my hands lower towards her lower back/ass. Which I like her ass. Well I like seeing and touching her whole body but still, I can only get what I can reach right now. I felt her smile against my chest which I'm guessing she likes it when I touch her ass which I could get used to touching more often now. Next thing I knew was that she moved her arms/hands so that they were around waist. 

So I just got more comfortable with her in my arms and I went back to sleeep. I like having her in my arms. 

I was thinking, I had my best friend Alex sleeping on the floor in the same room as me and also I have Kayla in my arms sleeping. So right now I was one lucky and happy man. That was the last thing that I thought of when I went back to sleep.


Author's Note:

Hey guys again. Okay I know that this is somewhat short but I just wanted to update soon before you guys kill me (note of sarcasm). So here you guys go. I hope you guys like it. Love you guys so much. I still can't believe how many reads I have just in a couple of days, like OMG!!! But all I can do is thank you guys for bringing me this far. But thank you so much. You guys are the best!!!!! :') <33333

~Sarah <3

P.S. - This was supposed to be after the "NOT AN UPDATE!!" but it didnt turn out that way do yeah. I'm just letting you guys know.

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