Tell me the story of a boy who drowned once, rose again, and fell past the ocean into the sky. Sing me the story of my death.
☠Character Name: Kirk Hoffman
☠Gender: Male
☠Age: 20, Idk he'd probs be older but I reused the same image sue me
☠District: Three, I guess :p
☠Physical Appearance: People never look as happy after a tragedy. It rips off chunks of the heart, scatters them across good memories and the pieces that find their way back never fit quite right. Blood leaks between the cracks and pits form of black and leather. But that's all on the inside, isn't it? Kirk looks the same on the outside, I'll promise that much. Maybe a tad paler from a lack of sun, eyes a bit more sunken, hair more disheveled. It's always been very ginger, y'know. Since the day he was old enough to grow hair, it appeared curly and as orange as the sun at the end of the day. His eyes are a form of hazel, but more green than hazel really. That is assuming you see him with them open at all considering how much the boy has been sleeping lately. Otherwise, he is what you would expect from a classic hg competitor, kinda skinny because poverty of the districts and all that, pale skin even though I'm totally going to forget to give him a sunburn despite being in a sunny arena for weeks/days(?), and a "little bit of muscle" just enough so that later I can justify Kirk winning against a career in a pinch with some blunt force weapon even though he's had zero combat training and it's theoretically impossible.
☠Personality: Okay well let's pick a stereotype and roll with it. Surprisingly enough for a guy from Three, he's shy and prefers to spend time alone or with people he knows really well instead of hanging out with everyone else. Of course, I could blame that on the clear trauma he's suffered that I will vaguely reference again in the past section. Honestly, though, he's a sweetheart. Somehow he and his brother— a character that will be brought up more than enough to warrant his mention, I promise— ended up differently that way no matter how close they were growing up. Neal was always more rambunctious. He got into trouble where Kirk stayed out of the way. Kirk has become as untrusting as his brother, though, that's another recent development.
☠Past: Kirk had two parents, an older brother, and a set life in a decent house on a wide street. He was a rather fun loving child. Always creating stories, standing on the porch as the sun set to tell them. He held boundless energy and cheer, but that's how these nice backgrounds always start out, right? Then something terrible happened. Which... Kirk forgot. That's the thing about trauma and spoilers, I'm never allowed to give away everything about what happened. Let's just say that Kirk hasn't stepped a foot near water since and his parents are worried about him and his brother as of late, mostly his *ahem* mental health. Yea, that'll do it.
☠Strengths: Brains? Maybe? He's really a gifted thinker in a pinch. He's also not the slowest runner on the team.
☠Weaknesses: Kirk's not the best runner either. He's the clumsy sort and can't carry more than two jugs of milk without struggling. He also can't swim, or he refuses, take that how you will.