Chapter 1

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I'm always in the back of the class. it sucks being the loner at my school. I have no friends why does everyone is so happy and I am not. I have the best grades. My parents think I have so much friends. In reality, I don't. My friends are just my teachers. I'm fat and ugly. No one wants to be my friend. I never truly experience a true friendship. I am so disgusted in myself. Everyone thinks I'm happy and I don't have problems.

It's so hard. I just play my violin behind the walls of the gymnasium. Music helps me escape my sadness. I see everyone playing basketball, football, volleyball, soccer and chasing each other. I stare at my shoes. I never can be athletic. I really want to try it but I'm scared. I'm just an ordinary guy in the 8th grade and probably going to be a loaner in high school. I hear the bell ring. I slowly close my eyes. I wish I can be somewhere else in this world. How would my life be if I wasn't here? I see everyone gone. I walk slowly to class. I'm usually the last one to get to class. I have Algebra.

Someone is on my seat. "Excuse, would you be so kindly to get off my seat young lady?" I said it in a calm voice. The girl replied to me, "Just sit right next to me. For god sake I won't bite you. Why does everyone thing I'm a horrible person? Go fuck yourself." Everyone started looking at her. Mr. Delian said to the class, "Class, I would like to welcome Zoey. She is new to the class. I want you all to treat her with respect. Now class please open your textbook to chapter 13." So her name is Zoey. Zoey was blonde with blue eyes. She was an average size. She was about 5"6. I am taller than her by one inch. She had a punk shirt with skinny jeans.

The bell rang to go home. I put my chair up on top of the table. I went to my locker to get some workbooks. I saw a group of guys approaching me. "Hey fat bitch! Do you have what I want you son of a bitch? Why are you so quiet? C'mon you guys let's beat him up!" They took me to the bathroom.I felt a kick and a punch to my jaw. Tears started to come out of my dark brown eyes. They started to harass me. They threw me to the wall and started to take my clothes off and flush it down the toilet. I feel so insecure about my body. I felt someone kicking me in my rib. I slowly started to get dizzy. I hear someone step inside the restroom.

I couldn't believe who it was. It was Zoey. What was she doing here. She beat every single guy. She pick me up and one of the teacher saw me and called an ambulance. I was loosing blood. Zoey picked all my clothes up and then everything was a blank. I woke up in my hospital bed and then I saw Zoey sleeping. I couldn't believe she rescue me. Thank you Zoey. I don't know what this means, but hopefully we become friends.

This is just the beginning of out friendship. I sure hope so.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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