The Marsden's

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The Marsden’s                   

All Lane felt was warmth, warmth that surrounded her completely, so she snuggled deeper into it, content to stay in the world that balanced her between dreams and waking.  Slowly though, the scales tipped, and feeling herself coming awake she inhaled a deep breath.  With it came a familiar scent, one she recognised but couldn’t focus on enough right now to remember where from.  She rubbed her cheek over the soft fabric of her pillow relishing the feel of having something to support her head once again.  Although, she didn’t remember going to sleep in her bed, inhaling again, this time she registered smoke from a fire, along with that musty smell.  She knew she had smelt this before and not long ago, her mind started to come to life as she realized that the scent, belonged to Joe.  Snapping her eyes open Lane immediately saw, not a calicao pillow slip, but grey.  She moved her left arm which, in her sleep had slung over something, a torso!  Spreading  her fingers out she felt the same soft fabric she could feel against her cheek, so she rubbed her hand up and down , ever so slightly, to confirm to herself, that the feeling under her hand was very much a back.

Hearing a groan and feeling herself being pulled closer, and tighter by the arm she could now feel around her waist, to a chest, and so close to it that her nose was flush with it! Panicked her. Taking a few deep breaths, and deciding the best course of action was to stay calm, she could maybe, try to slowly pry herself away. She didn't want to wake Joe, because she knew he would have been up keeping watch till all hours.

Lane started pulling her arm off the large man who had her in his hold.  Very gently she slipped her hand up so it was lined with her other one inbetween their bodies.  She felt him move again and looked up to check if he was waking, but all she could see was a bristly neck and chin.  She starred at it for a moment; fascinated at her how men grew hair from their faces, she had never actually seen something like it up close before.  Her Pa was a private man and was always shaved before she got up in the mornings.  Also, she was never intrigued by it as much as she was just now, it must have been her tranquil state.  Not realizing what she was doing she inched her hand up and ran it along the rough surface marvelling at how quickly the hair had grown back, the regrowth was thick and spiky under her touch.

“Having fun Lanie?” Stilling her hand, Lane’s heart kicked up its rhythm again.  Was that Joe's voice she just heard!  Peter doesn’t call her Lanie so it must have been.  Clearing her throat and trying to think of what to say she became acutely aware that she was laying body to body against Joe, a full grown man, the same one that was annoyed with her for most of the day yesterday.

“Um I was just taking note that you might need a shave again today.” She answered, and then quite abruptly, Lane and Joe pulled their upper bodies apart and turned to the sound of laughter that had erupted by the fire.

“I was wondering how it would play out with you two waking up all tangled together like that.” Peter said through his laughter.

Lane looked back to Joe just as he looked to her and she noticed the red stain that had taken residence on his face, and thought that she probably had one to match.  They also both looked down toward their legs, which were still entwined in a way Lane never knew two bodies could come together.  She looked back up to Joe who seemed utterly irritated and confused with the whole situation.

“I’m sorry Joe.” Lane whispered.  Joe gave her an awkward smile.

“Well hmm, maybe we should get up so the old lady cackling over there will stop.” Lane forced laughter to help try and overcome the awkward moment.  Joe grumbled as they untangled their legs and sat up, which certainly didn’t  help Lane feel any more at ease and maybe even made her feel foolish for attempting to make light of the moment as Peter was.

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