Who are you?

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Who are you?

Lane wasn't sure how to do this, her heart was racing so fast. She looked over the pain filled face in front of her, and felt bile rise into her throat.

"Please just do it Lane, the faster you do it the faster its over." Peter said, his voice straining in agony.

"Shush Peter. Lane, are you ready?" Joe looked at Lane and knew what she was going through, he felt the same really. The only thing holding him together was the fact that it was his brother that needed help and also that he blamed himself for Peter's arm being broken.

"Yes." She replied leaning forward again. Lane shook her head, drew in a deep breath and shakily placed her hands over Peters forearm. His skin was clammy, it felt sort of fragile under her touch even though there was quite a bit of muscle layered over the broken bone.

"Mm hurry Joe" Peter pleaded. Lane watched as Joe prepared two of the straightest sticks he could find, wrapping them before placing them on either side of Peter's arm and started to wrap the torn petty coat Lane gave him around and around. Peters breaths were short, he had incredible control. Lane didn't know how she could have managed to keep from screaming if it were her in his place.

"I don't think it's completely broken Peter, how does that feel?" Joe asked, finishing off the splint with a knot.

"A little better now I don't have to try and hold it together." Lane took her hands away at Joes nod. She leaned back again and watched Peter relax onto the rocky wall behind him. Lane shuffled herself to settle near the very back of the cave, trying to recover from her own anguish over having to help. She had to help her mother once with her Pas finger. He broke it when the wood pile became unbalanced and some of the top logs rolled down crushing it. She didn't like doing that and it was just a finger.

"What are we going to do for food?" Peter asked Joe. Lane watched as both men turned their heads toward her.

"Did you say we should have everything we need here for now, or do I need to go hunting?" Joe asked.

"You know," Peter started, cutting his brother off. "You've been pretty trusting of us, not sure that's the wisest thing a female alone should do in these parts."

Lane scrambled to her feet, grabbing the sack she brought from her house in one hand and a palm sized rock in the other. She held it tight, ready to use as her only defence. "You said you wouldn't harm me, you promised." She said firmly. She started to inch her way along the wall to the entrance. Stupid girl she thought, she did what her Pa had taught her and trusted her instincts. She felt that these two would be alright; maybe she wasn't thinking properly, she was in a rush after all. But no, they used her. They had their shelter now and Peters arm was fixed. At least they had the decency not fool her into giving them her little food supply too. She kept her eyes focussed on both men, Joe especially.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked her.

"That's none of your business; you have your shelter let me go." Lane watched as both men exchanged a confused look. "Please don't try anything just let me go I won't tell anyone you're here." She moved a little faster toward the entrance as Joe cautiously rose to his feet hands out as if he were approaching a horse he wanted to break.

"I'm not sure you understood what my brother here was saying, ?Lane." Lane understood alright she made a quick dash, one, two steps and she was clear of Joe but the man grabbed her around the waist with one arm and restrained her arms with his other. "Hush there girl, there is no need to run."

"What do you mean to do with me?" Lane asked scared, knowing she didn't stand a chance in her situation to either run, or get out of what ever was going to happen now, unless of course a miracle prevailed. "Please Joe you promised."

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