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Joe thought he saw a figure moving over to his left but for the moment, he ignored it. He didn't want them to be found so he stayed crouched down behind the overgrown shrubs they happened upon. Feeling Peter to his right as he struggled to come and settle beside him, reassured Joe that they made it. Peter's arm brushed up against Joe's thigh and Peter groaned in pain. His breathing sounded laboured and Joe worried for him,but there was not much he could do for his brother just now. He felt as though he should move him up higher, but really couldn't risk being seen, especially now that they had reasonable shelter, it really was better that they stayed where they were. Joe could faintly hear Gregory yelling at the other men to start running. Noticing that they were fleeing into the trees on the other side of the burning cabin, he let out a sigh of relief he didn't think that they would bother to come up this way the rocks were too loose and it was quite a climb to get to where they were. Those men would never bother, too much effort. Both brothers stayed still for several long minutes as the sound of voices had faded. Joe felt his only immediate worry now was Peter and that noise he kept hearing to his left.

Joe looked down to Peter, he was cradling his arm trying to control his pain. "Peter I have to go check over there." Joe motioned to his left with his head "I thought I saw someone and now I'm sure I'm hearing them closer to us, I want to see who followed."

"All... right... Joe." Peter said between sharp intakes of breath.

"Just lay low and call out if you need me but I'm sure they all went over to the other side of the cabin just where we thought they would go."

"Yeah." Joe gave Peter one last look then turned and started crawling through the brush, it was a risk but so was one of those men down there finding them up here. Joe knew he couldn't ignore that prospect any longer. He was about two body lengths away from Peter when he heard the whimpering. Pushing aside some leaves he came face to face with the girl.

"What!" Joe said in surprise. He watched as the girl backed up in a panic. Joe wasn't sure what he should do, she seemed so scared of him that he was certain she would scream. He didn't think long before making up his mind "Come now." He said as loudly as he dared, reaching out his hand. He knew if she kept going backwards the way she was she might slide all the way down again, scream and alert someone, or she might just scream now if he didn't reassure her, he wasn't going to hurt her. "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise, I'll just help you up." Joe could see she was clutching something in her left arm, probably the only things she could grab from the cabin. Because thats where she came from.

"You're one of them though." He could barely hear her and she was still inching backwards.

"Yes I am, but again, I promise I'm not going to hurt you. The others went that way." He pointed towards the forest past her cabin. "Come on you'll slide down, take my hand girl!" Joe growled. He watched as her foot slipped on some loose rocks and then suddenly he felt her small hand in his. Quickly clasping it, he started to pull her to safety. When Joe had her level to where he was he pushed her in front of him and pointed in the direction she should start crawling. She did, without protest.

Joe knew when she reached Peter because his view was suddenly filled with a close view of her skirt covered bottom. Reaching out on impulse he pushed it forward, needing her to keep moving, hearing her gasp and shuffle ahead Joe was relieved she was sensible enough to again, not scream."I'm sorry, stay down." Joe said pulling at the same skirt to keep her below the top of the bushes. He moved her a bit more forcefully than he intended to sit her between Peter and himself. The look on her face was that of a scared animal about to be shot.

"I'm Peter and that is my brother Joe, we mean you no harm but please don't move too much, I think my arm is broken and if I yell out in pain or you in fear, we might be found out." At Peters warning, Joe felt her relax a little. He peered around her to catch a look at Peter, he sounded better, like he had control of himself now. So he peered back over the bush again to see if anyone else besides us and this girl were crazy enough to climb up here. Joe could just make out that the barn had gone up now, it was hard to see over the smoke as it spiraled into the sky. The main cabin was roaring still, the animals had been let loose and there were chickens still fluttering around.

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