Leaving Together

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Leaving Together

Lane woke to the sound of a rhythmic banging; she couldn’t remember falling asleep, but remembered  well what drove her to exhaustion the night before. After pushing herself up off  the bed, and swinging her legs around. Her gaze went to the window, wondering what time it was, and hoped it was not already too late in the day. The whole household had suffered in some way yesterday, and she didn’t feel she was entitled to a sleep in, anymore than anyone else.

The sunlight streaming in through the window felt warm where it touched her foot on the floor. A new day was supposed to bring with it, hope, hope that something good will come of it. That’s what her mother always said, and this morning would be the perfect time to apply this theory. She placed her hand over the wrap around her neck. The niggling ache from where Gregory had drawn her blood, was the final encouragement she needed to get out of bed, and go help with whatever was happening outside the haven of Shawn’s room.

Fresh water had been placed in the bowl on the night stand, and washing her eyes felt wonderful after having cried so much. She untied her hair, and pulled apart what was left of her braid. She couldn’t see a brush anywhere, and wondered where her things were. So she walked over to the door and let herself out into the hall. She didn’t have to go far to see where the noise was coming from. Stopping at the end of the short hall, she watched Joe reach up and hammer the book shelf which was pulled down, back to the wall.

“Good morning Lanie how do you feel this morning?” Penny called out from the kitchen. Joe turned around quickly, and smiled when he saw her.

“Lanie.” He said dipping his head slightly in acknowledgement. She smiled at him too and again couldn’t believe they had actually come back. “You alright?” She nodded.

“Thanks to you, Joe.” He shook his head. “Peter was there too.”

“I only saw you, Joe.” She had never seen a man go red before, not from anything other than anger, but just then, she could swear black and blue Joe turned a shade of the colour, and it made her feel somewhat happy she could make this grown man blush.

Walking further into the room toward the kitchen area, Lane noticed a lot had been done already. Furniture had been straightened, and by the looks of it, someone had scrubbed the floor where Callum bled out his life. She could still clearly remember Joe pulling him out of the room, and shook her head to rid her mind of the image.

“Lane, It’s alright.” Penny had come up from behind, and slung her arm around Lane's shoulder's “it’s over dear.”

“I know,” Lane replied, smiling up at Penny. “What can I do to help?”

“Not much dear we are getting ready to go.” Lane looked puzzled

“Go where?”

“Black Town, we have the three that are alive tied up in the smoke house ready to get going. We need more storage food, you need to get into town, and now that we have Peter and Joe back with us, we are going to get them to help us, and then we want to sign them on.” Lane turned her head to look at Joe, and he nodded  to confirm what Penny had said was true.

“Can I talk to you for a moment Joe?” Lane partially squeaked out. He nodded again, and laid down his hammer, then started to walk down the hall toward the back door. Lane pulled away from Penny and followed.

Once she was outside with Joe she spotted Peter walking out of the barn, and Joe waved him over.

“You alright today, Lane?”

“Yes thank you, Peter.”

“Penny told Lanie they are going to have us sign on with them.” Joe explained to his brother.

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