Taekook pt.1

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Jungkook: Top
Taehyung: Bottom
It was a Thursday night and Jungkook was finishing a song for his new mixtape, he had told Taehyung to go hang out with Jimin whilst he was working. Jungkook had been really focused on making this song as perfect as possible over the last couple weeks and was always too tired to do anything with Tae. Of course, this upset Tae greatly, and decided to talk with Jimin about it.
"Jiminie hyung!! He never has any time for me any more! It's like he loves this mixtape more than me~" Taehyung was on the verge of tears, he just wanted attention from his Kookie. He knew Jimin would understand since Yoongi was always working or sleeping, Tae couldn't see why Jimin wasn't upset by it.
"Ah Tae Tae~" Jimin started, "You know how Yoongi is always working, and it seems as if we never get time for ourselves?"
"That's exactly how it is. Yoongi is always very busy and tired, but i know he still loves me, and the moments we do get together are cherished and full of love."
"What are you suggesting..?" Tae asked,
"Let him do his work so he doesn't get angry, once he is finished, he will spend every minute he can with you, i'm sure if it. He's been missing you too, Tae."
As if it was planned, Yoongi walked into the room, Jimin ran up to his boyfriend and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Yoongi then whispered something in Jimin's ear and they both smirked evilly, Yoongi turned his attention to Taehyung and told him, "Jungkook's pretty much finished with the song, he'll be out in about 5 minutes, we are all going out for food tonight, so it'll just be you and Kook.". Jimin smiled at Tae as if to say 'you know what to do' before leaving the room quickly with his boyfriend.

A couple minutes had passed and Yoongi, Jimin, Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok had all left. It was only him and Jungkook in the house. For the whole night. Tae had perched himself on a chair next to the kitchen island, casually going through his phone. He decided to look through his Soundcloud for a new artist, so he quickly plugged his headphones in and began the search. 10 minutes went by and Taehyung was still looking through artists to find one he liked, whilst doing this, he never realized a certain someone walk into the room, that was until they quickly wrapped their arms lovingly around Tae's body. The older was quick to take his headphones off and turn around to see his glowing boyfriend smiling at him.
"Hey baby~" Jungkook said softly, beofre leaning in to kiss his beloved boyfriend.
"How is the song Kookie?" Tae asked after breaking the kiss
"It's perfect." Was the reply he got.
"Great! Are you hungry? Jin said there was some food left over from yesterday for us"
"I'm starving."
"Let's eat then!"
Jungkook left the kitchen to put a movie on whilst Taehyung brought the leftover Japchae to the living room.

The two boys spent the next hour eating and cuddling on the couch watching Mean Girls, the only reason Jungkook put it on was because he knew Tae loved Rachel McAdams. About 3/4 through the movie Taehyung stopped paying attention to it and just stared at the perfection that was his boyfriend. He loved his dark eyes that shone with pride, he loved his little scar on his cheek, he loved how when he smiled, his nose would scrunch up and he would look like a bunny. He loved Jungkook. The younger boy looked down at his baby and noticed he had been staring at him, "you okay, Tae?" He adored the little blushes he had when he was caught staring at Jungkook
"I'm great, i just missed you a lot. Your face, your personality, your love... your touch" Taehyung whispered the last part,
"You missed my touch baby? Let me make that up to you then.." Jungkook whispered back before sitting them both up before passionately kissing Taehyungs lips, Tae let out a small gasp at the sudden kiss and Kook took that as a chance to smoothly slide his tongue into his lovers mouth. Taehyung was melting into Jungkook's kiss, he never wanted it to stop. They carried on this make out session for about 5 minutes before Jungkook noticed Tae letting out little whines, indicating he was getting needy. Jungkook pulled out of the kiss and looked at his boyfriends swollen lips. He was proud. Whilst Jungkook was in a trance looking at his baby, Taehyung slowly climbed on top of the younger, attaching his lips to Jungkook's neck and slowly grinding down onto him. Kook let out low groans and let Taehyung do his thing. They both needed this. Badly. Tae stopped for a minute to take off his and Jungkook's shirts and pants. Tae got off the sofa and planted kisses all the way down Kook's body, until he got to his crotch. Tae palmed his boyfriend member through his underwear whilst leaning up to kiss him quickly. Taehyung sat himself between Jungkook's legs and slowly pulled his boxers down revealing his throbbing hard cock, Jungkook let out a breathy gasp from the exposure. He pumped his boyfriend a few times before taking his full length in, almost gagging. Jungkook's breathing became heavier and moans became louder as Tae started bobbing his head up and down, he tangled his hands into Tae's dark hair and started bucking his hips into Tae's mouth, and Taehyung, being the good boy he is, took it all, only gagging a few times.
"Ahhh~ Tae baby~ j-just like th-that~" Jungkook moaned. Tae hollowed out his cheeks and sucked harder on his boyfriend's dick until it started twitching in this mouth signifying that he was close, he pulled off Jungkook with a pop and looked up at the sweaty younger, Jungkook looked down and carefully picked Tae up, carrying him to their room, kissing all the way..

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