Child From the Living Primrose

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"The Living Primrose, a rainbow flower that was source of life with all species that lived in it's boundaries. The boundaries lasted until the edge of the forest and the start of the village in Midgard. From this flower, a beautiful baby girl was born. This was very rare for the primrose to give life to a child. This child was special, one of a kind and seemed to bond with the animals around and could hear their thoughts. She was adopted and raised by bears." Nora said, fixing her glasses as she stopped by an exhhibit. "This is a rainbow petal of the primrose." Lucy and Erin stared at the petal in awe, admiring it's colour and pattern.

"It's cool and all but I really don't think that's real." Troy said, not believing in any of this stuff. Though he believed it was all a hoax, it didn't stop him from loving mythology.

"Well I guess my job is to make you believe that it's real now, right?" He laughed slightly at the red head's comment and she continued on with the story. "Anyways, it was a good eight years until she learnt to hunt, fight, survive in the wild."

"Estrid? Estrid where are you?" A voice called out, it was high pitched and sounded like a little boy. Estrid was hiding behind a bush, her brown hair cascading over her face to hide her bright, neon, green eyes. She kept her eyes on the little bear cub, making sure he didn't find her. That voice came from the cub. She could hear what the animals actually said instead of it just being their roars and other noises they made. "Estrid." The two were playing hide and seek and it was starting to get dark. The small cub sniffed the air and looked over to the bush Estrid was hiding behind and ran over to it, soon finding the human. "Found you!" The cub laughed along with Estrid as he nudged her a little bit as a sign to start heading back to the cave.

"Looks like you got me Stein. So are we playing again tomorrow." She asked with anticipation.

"We're hunting tomorrow sis', remember." Stein replied back as they got back to the cave. Just as they got back, their family started to dig into the food collected.

"There you are, Stein, Estrid. I was beginning to become worried. Eat up then go straight to sleep, you two are hunting early tomorrow morning." Tola, Stein's mother and Estrid's bear mother, said, tearing apart some fish to help Stein eat it. Estrid grabbed her berries that she ate all of the time and chowed them down, soon heading towards her little area where she slept. Stein some came over to her after he finished his meal and curled up next to her.

"You alright?" Stein asked, seeing Estrid's face that appeared to have a sad expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just sometimes wonder... what if I had a family before you guys? Like, not to be rude of anything but I'm not like you bears." Estrid turned to lie on her back and looked up at the cave roof.

"Probably. Hey, we should go into the village tomorrow and try see if we can find a family you belonged to?"

"Really Stein? A bear cub and some wild girl walking up to a village is totally going to be fine."

"Well, I mean, it's worth a try. Right Estrid?"

"Sure but we could get into big trouble."

"It should be fine. Let's just... sleep for now." Stein said through a yawn as he laid his head against his arms and fell asleep. It took Estrid a while before she ended up falling asleep as well. It was only a few hours until she heard roars and cries of fear along with the sound of fire crackling. She slowly sat up shook Stein, hoping he would wake up.

"Stein, Stein wake up." Estrid whispered, hoping her brother would hear. She saw a glowing light from the entrance of the cave. The flames spat up towards the sky and crackled like crazy. The person out front soon left and their mob followed along as well. "Stein, we need to go right now." Estrid yelled quietly as Stein got up and headed for the entrance, going behind his sister. She looked outside the cave and saw no one, slowly emerging. She continued to walk forward then tripped over something big. It was like a mountain of fur. Estrid squinted her eyes to see if she could get a good look, the moonlight slowly shined onto the object the Estrid tripped over. It was her bear mother with her father and her other two sisters and brothers dead on the ground. She fought the tears that was bound to fall down her cheeks. Stein whimpered as he realised who the bears were as well. Estrid got up and ran in the other direction with Stein following along, soon bumping into someone. The person grabbed Stein and Estrid's wrist and started to walk them to somewhere else. She tried to fight against the restraint but her captive's grip was too tight. She soon gave up and just followed this person. 

"She wasn't too sure who this was but she just hoped they were taking her and Stein somewhere safe." Nora explained.

"So what, she died or something after that? Cause if so laaaame." Vanessa flipped her hair and crossed her arms, a pount on her face.

"I assure you that this wasn't the end of her story. There was more to come." Nora replied back.

"Like what?" Lucy and Troy asked at the same time, both interested in where this story was going. Though Erin kept quiet, she quite enjoyed the story.

"Well, let's find that out shall we." Nora brushed some hair behind her ear then continued on with the story.

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