Welcome to Asgard

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Asgard. The place that lived in the sky. It was large and beautiful, there were a few waterfalls and the trees, shrubs and flowers all looked mystical. Everything seemed to glow with happiness. The most noticeable thing about Asgard was the large golden palace that stood in front of the five.

"Welcome to Asgard Estrid. You'll be staying here for now." Skadi mentioned, an Asgardian came and helped Tyr to a medical professional.

"I'm not going to see you again?" Estrid asked.

"We'll cross paths again. All gods do that. I'll see you later." Skadi smiled at Estrid one last time, soon going back to Midgard. Sol and Mani soon ran off laughing and going to play together with the rest of the kids that they saw. Estrid stood there, not knowing what to do. Asgardians passed her and didn't really notice her.

"Estrid." A voice called out. She noticed that voice and turned around to see the Allfather.

"Odin." Estrid replied back.

"Are you ready to ascend godhood?" Odin asked, she shrugged since she didn't really know. "It's okay if you're not ready. All the gods you know have either taken time or are still taking time." Estrid nodded. "You know, you'll be staying with me and my family."

"Wait really?" Estrid asked, not believing this.

"Yes. This is true. Frigg and I will be your new parents. You'll get to meet your new brothers Thor and Loki." Odin mentioned.

"I look forward to that." Estrid said, going in the direction Sol and Mani was.

"Don't you want to meet them now?"

"Am I allowed?"

"Of course you are child, there's no need to ask of that." Odin grabbed Estrid's hand and led her towards the palace where Frigg, Thor and Loki were waiting for her. Once they got there, Frigg gave Estrid a hug.

"Wow, aren't you a gorgeous one?" Frigg said, smiling at Estrid. This caused the girl to blush a bit at the comment. Thor and Loki just stood there looking at Estrid. "Come here boys. This one is Thor." Frigg said as Thor, a blonde headed boy, walked over to Estrid. "And this is Loki." The other boy, Loki, had black hair. "Boys, this is Estrid, she's your new sister. Say hi."

"Hi." Thor and Loki said at the same time, a bit reluctant to meet Estrid.

"Come, I'll show you to your room." Frigg grabbed Estrid's hand, taking the girl to her new room. Once she was there, the animal goddess lied down on her bed, falling asleep quite quickly. Frigg chuckled at the girl and went back to where Odin and their children were. "I'm glad we have a girl in our family. She's going to grow up to be wonderful."

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