The Trap

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"Wait my prophecy? I'm part of a prophecy?!" Estrid said, a huge smile starting to spread her face. She was more than excited for this. The ghost looked at her a bit concerned at Estrid's expression.

"You should not be excited for this. It's more than dangerous and it could practically end in death dear." The ghost of the necklace spoke up. Goldie soon was sucked back into the necklace. "Now let's head back. Before Asta finds out your gone." Estrid started to run back to her horse and commanded the animal to run at its fastest pace. She got back to the village and snuck back into her home, careful not to wake up Asta. "Okay good, now put me underneath the pillow and go back to sleep. Quickly, I hear footsteps." Goldie wasn't lieing. The footsteps were near silent but they were still there. Estrid tugged the necklace off and shoved it under her pillow, soon jumping into her bed and pretending to go to sleep. The sweet sound of nothingness was broken as soon as the door started to creak open. Skinny fingers wrapped around the door and a head poked into the room. Estrid could feel a pair of eyes scanning the room. Her shoulders tensed up and she squinted her eyes, hoping that Asta would head back to her room. Just before the goddess of dreams left, a glint of gold caught her eye. Asta looked at Estrid and noticed a golden piece of jewellery underneath the girl's pillow. Part of the eye to the jewellery was sticking out a bit as well. Asta hissed, grabbing the jewellery and walking away, closing the door quietly and waltzing to the cellar door. Once she got down the ladder she went straight for the orb. It glowed brightly and the shadow appeared once more in the cloudy orb.

"What is it? Unlike you, some people want sleep." Hel complained, her arms crossed against her chest.

"I am sorry ma'am but the girl has the golden eye of Valhalla." Asta spoke up. Hel's eyes shot open wide, her eyes glowing a dangerous red.

"You stupid girl! You had one job! One job! And still you manage to stuff it up! I should feed you to my lovely wolves... but I won't. I still need you for my plan to destroy that girl and dominate Asgard." Hel muttered the last part, looking away from her servant.

"I am truly sorry but I have gotten the necklace off of her." Asta smirked as she held up the necklace.

"Oh wow, what are you going to do? Destroy it. You know the bloody thing is indestructible. You can't hide it either, it has bonded with its host now. I don't see your point."

"Uh... nevermind then." Asta hung her head in shame. She thought she could mend her mistakes but clearly she couldn't.

"Just- just return thing. I don't want to see it." Hel soon left, the orb's light slowly getting darker. Asta was left there in the dark, disappointed in herself. Then she remembered something. Tomorrow was the day when destruction would happen. Asta would turn into her true form, Luta. The village would get destroyed. Fenrir would come attack. The girl would hopefully die and that meant Hel could cause destruction to Asgard. Without the girl there, it would make everything easier for the rest. Asta started to get the trap ready, she planned it out perfectly so everything would be right. Asta would lead Estrid to the apple tree and get her to pick some apples. She would make Estrid go back to the village to see it all up in flames. Fenrir would attack her and hopefully kill her. Everything was ready. All Asta had to do was wait for morning.

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