The Binding of Fenrir

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"What? No!" Lucy cried out, overwhelmed with sadness.

"I know, it is sad that this had happen but the story isn't over yet children." Nora smiled, soon continuing with the story.


It had been two days since Estrid died. No one knew what to do. The girl slowly opened her eyes to see nothing but white surrounding her.

"W-where am I?" She mumbled out, not expecting an answer.

"You are dead my child." An old voice spoke up. Estrid jumped a bit and turned around to see an old man there. She got on her knees straight away and hung her head at him, as if she was worshipping him. "Don't do that. There's no need for it. You are a god amongst the rest, we don't need to give each other praise."

"Sorry Odin." She mumbled once again. She then realised what the allfather had said to her before and tears started to stream down her face. "I'm... I'm dead?" She asked, not believing in any of this.

"I know this is hard to believe. There is a way for you to go back though." Odin mentioned.

"A way? Then put me back out there now. I am not done with this. I still have to stop Fenrir."

"Child, calm down." Odin rested a hand on her shoulder, soon moving his hand towards the necklace. "This will get you back. Do you know what this necklace is?" Estrid shook her head as she looked down at the necklace. "This is the Golden Eye of Valhalla. This necklace has chosen you to be apart of something bigger."

"Like what? Do I become a queen once I've stopped Fenrir?" Estrid asked. Odin chuckled.

"I am sorry but no. You'll become a huge gleam of hope for everyone around once you figure out who you really are." He mentioned.

"But I already do. I am Estrid, the mighty animal goddess who is the best." She boasted.

"That is not you child. That is merely a facade you create you wish for others to see... I know this is not ideal for you but I know what I am talking about Estrid." Estrid nodded, looking down at her hands to see them fading.

"W-what's happening?" Estrid asked, panicking a bit.

"Do not worry, this is the necklace bringing you back. There is one thing I do have to say though. Once you have completed your prophecy, this necklace will lose all it's powers since you saved the shield maiden living in that necklace." Odin also mentioned. Estrid looked back to him and nodded. She woke up to notice herself in a cave. Her cave. She stood up and walked outside. The forest had been completely filled with ashes and snow. The trees were burn to a crisp, their once vibrant leaves now gone. The horrid snow and ash filled Estrid's lungs, making her choke and cough a bit. She fell to her knees as tears spilled. These tears weren't sadness. They weren't of  insecurity. They weren't of disappointment. No. They were of anger. She hung her head. Loud, thumping footsteps could be heard. Estrid looked up to see Fenrir, Hel and Luta. She looked around, noticing her staff and grabbing it. She stood up and twirled it, soon stabbing the wooden part of the staff into the snow.

"So this is the girl who lives again. Where's your friends? Did they leave you because they were scared?" Luta asked, smirking at Estrid. Estrid didn't respond which kind of peeved of Luta, causing the goddess of nightmares to growl under her breath. "Attack Fenrir." Fenrir let out a low growl, soon charging towards Estrid. The animal goddess closed her eyes, allowing Fenrir to get close to her. Once the large wolf was close enough, she opened her eyes and did a backflip, kicking the wolf in it's jaw. When Fenrir was stunned, Estrid ran towards his paw and stabbed him with her staff. He let out a growl as he kicked Estrid away. She came sliding to a stop, soon turning into an eagle and took to the skies. She landed on Fenrir's back and stabbed him again, causing him to become even more restless. "What?" Luta was shocked.

"We need to get out of here." Hel uttered, turning to walk away.

"But what about Fenrir?" Luta asked.

"We get a new plan. Now hurry." The two goddesses disappeared, soon to be replaced with Skadi, Sol and Mani. The other three decided to help Estrid. Estrid noticed them and smiled.

"Hey guys. I appreciate the help but I got it." Estrid yelled over the loud growls of Fenrir.

"Ma'am, I have sent a message to the dwarves where they are forging chain that will be unbreakable. Only thing we have to do is lead Fenrir to a lonely and desolate place." Goldie had mentioned from within the necklace, everyone had heard this.

"Alright, we'll lead it back to the snow. I know a place where Fenrir will be desolate for the rest of time." Skadi had spoke up. She had caught the wolf's attention and started to lead him to the snow. Estrid picked up Sol and Mani so that they were on the back of Fenrir as well.

"Hold on tight." Estrid called out, making sure the siblings didn't fall off. They managed to get to the snow and Skadi stopped in her tracks. Beside her was a dwarf that was delivering the chains and Tyr. Estrid tried to stop Fenrir. "You two, get down there so you can help wrap him in chains." Sol and Mani jumped down and ran towards the other three. Fenrir managed to stop running and stared at Skadi and Tyr. Estrid looked at Fenrir for a second, then heard a voice. She looked at the others but no one was talking. "Guys. I can hear Fenrir."

"What is he saying?" Tyr asked.

"That he suspects trickery. He refuses to be bound with it unless someone lays his or her hand in his jaws as a pledge of good faith." Estrid replied back. Everyone that was there hesitated until Tyr finally gathered courage to do it. Fenrir allowed the rest to bound him in chains, knowing he would break free from them. Estrid climbed off his back and stood beside the dwarf as she watched the rest. Once they were done, Fenrir tried to escape but found that he couldn't. The wolf quickly snapped his jaws shut and bit of Tyr's hand.

"Let's go get you help Tyr. Thank you by the way. Come on kids." Skadi spoke up as Fenrir continued to struggle, not being able to leave. Sol and Mani walked up beside Estrid on either side of her.

"So you're Estrid? The new goddess?" Sol asked, giving Estrid a gentle smile.

"Yes I am and I'm better than what you think." Estrid boasted.

"Sure you are. You keep telling yourself that princess." Mani replied back.

"I will." Estrid huffed and looked away from Mani.

"I'm joking. I'm Mani and that's Sol." Mani mentioned.

"Nice to meet both of you." Estrid smiled at them and put her arms around both of their shoulders. "I can tell we're going to become fast friends." They stopped when Skadi and Tyr stopped. "Why aren't we continuing?" Estrid asked.

"Because of this." Sol said a bit excited. A large rainbow formed around the five and they were transported to somewhere Estrid never knew. Asgard.

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