Sequel sneak peek 😁

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Jungkook's POV

Breaking News: A 17 year old girl named Kim Jisu has broken out of jail along with her friend Mark Tuan. If you see them please contact the police ASAP. Thank you

After hearing the news I sigh before turning off the tv and turning towards Jae who still hasn't woken up. "Please wake up..I miss you..I won't ever let anything happen to you again" I tell her and close my eyes before dozing off.

Next day

I woke up and hoped that Jaehyun would wake up but nothing. Soon Jimin and Somin came in and sat down. "She still hasn't waken up?" Jimin asked and I shook my head. "She will. Don't worry she's a strong girl" Somin mutters as tears continue to fill up in her eyes. "Where's Tae And Soojung?" I ask. "They went to get some food for us" Jimin replied and I nodded. I decided to go up to the rooftop for some fresh air. Jaehyun..please wake up please. Right then I felt a tap on my shoulder which caused me to flinch. I turned around and see the person I thought I would never see again. "what the fuck are you doing here?" I ask as I take my phone out to dial the police. "You wouldn't want to do that. I have Mark in Jae's room as a nurse and he wouldn't hesitate to poison Jaehyun when I tell him to. So you do as I say or your little Jaehyun will be gone. Anyway it's a shame since she is awake now"

I go to the room and see Jaehyun talking to the others. As I enter my legs start to feel weak but I ignore it and go in and sit down. "J-Jungkook" she says as she smiles. That smile.."we'll give you guys some alone time" Tae said as him and the others went out. "Thank you..." she says then looks at her hands then back at me. "Jungkook?" This time she questions. "I'm breaking up with you Jae." I tell her and look into her eyes. "W-what? W-why? I thought we were f-fine. Why all of a s-sudden?" She stutters and looks into my eyes. Her eyes were tearing up. Oh god Jae..please don't cry...I'm so sorry.. "it's just that. I realized that I don't love you anymore" I say. No..Jae...I do love you. I love you so goddamn much please don't leave me. "O-oh okay..thank you for everything Jungkook...goodbye" she says then looks at her hands and I could see tears falling. I get up and leave the room. That was the last time I saw her.

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