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Jaehyun's POV

Jimin and Somin had left and I still could not stop thinking about what Jimin said. And he is right, Jinwoo could do anything. "Jae dont think about it okay? I'm here for you I'll keep you safe" He assured me. "B-but what if you arent here??" I asked and he shook his head before planting a kiss on my forehead. "I'm always here for you got it?" He replied and I nodded my head before rubbing my temple. "Come on lets get some sleep we have school tomorrow" Jungkook told me and put the blanket on us both. I hugged him and burried my face in the crook of his neck inhaling his scent. He carassed my hair before I drifted off to sleep.


Jungkook's POV

"SHOOT JAE WAKE UP" I shouted at her and she flinched but then countinued to sleep. "we will be late get up you pig" I called her but nothing. I then went to the bathroom and filled the tub with cold water before going and picking her up bridal style only to earn smacks from her. "WHAT??? PUT ME DOWNNN LET ME SLEEP" She shouted. "put you down? Sure" I said before dropping her in the tub with water and running out while laughing. "JEON JUNGKOOK YOUR GOING TO PAY" I heard her shout. I went down and quickly made some breakfast for us. Once I turned around I felt a flick on my forehead and then see Jae running to the lounge. "GET BACK HERE" I shouted before we both started chasing each other around the house.

Soojung's POV

"YOONGI YOUR BLOODY SISTER IS NOT ANSWERING HER PHONE" I shout at Yoongi and he shrugs before sleeping again. "your so lucky you dont have school" I pouted and then felt two arms snake around my waist. "Morning" Tae whispered as he burried his head in my neck causing me to feel ticklish. "Morning" I replied before calling Jae again and she answered. "


"Open the goddamn door and stop shouting. The poor neighbours" She cut me off.

I went and opened the door and saw Jungkook and Jae all ready and then we carried our legs to school.

Jaehyun's POV

I opened the locker only to be closed again by Jinwoo. Fuck him. "What do you want?" I asked clearly not wanting to hear his shit. "Is that how you treat an old friend?" he asked while pouting. "stop pouting you look way more ugly then before" I told him and thats when he opened his mouth." You do know why your parents left you right? You were just a burden to them. You were nothing to them. Your parents never taught you anything right? Your just a bitch with no parents. They left you." And thats when my blood started to boil and I slapped him right across the face. "You can talk all shit you want about me. But if you say one word about my parents ever again I swear to god your not going to be able to even speack" I warned him before turning around but he grabbed my wrist. "Do you think I'm scared of your little ass? Nope" He said and grabbed my wrist harder. Thats when I kicked him in the balls causing him to fall and groan in pain. "Next time its your damn face" I told him and walked to class. Good job Jae your actually learning to defend yourself.


Jungkook's POV

"Baby ~~" Jisu called. "Fuck off" I told her without any intrest. "Babe you left me for that slut right? I'm going to make her pay" She said and without knowing I got up and slammed my fist on the locker. "DONT DARE CALL HER ANY OF THOSE THINGS. LAY A FINGER ON HER ILL BREAK YOUR NECK" I shouted causing everyones attention to us. "Kookie?" I heard Jaehyun call and without any seconds I grabbed her by her wasit and kissed her. I heard Jisu scoff before leaving. She pulled away from the kiss before smirking. "So now your only gonna kiss me infront of Jisu?" She asked and I laughed. "Just wait till we get home. I'm going to ruin you with kisses" I said and caused her to blush. "JAEHYUN" We heard a girl shout and Jaehyun shouted back. "COMING SOMIN ONE SECOND" "Where you going?" I asked. "Were going to go to the cafe since I want to look for a job" She replied. "I'll come with you-" "No its fine. You have dance practice anyway. I need to go now I love you" She said and pecked my lips before leaving.

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