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Jaehyun's POV

"Okay sit down im going to grab the first aid kit" I told Jimin. He sat down and I went to find the first aid kit. The nurse's office is always a mess so its freacking hard to even find something. Where the hell could it be...? FOUND IT! Thank the lord. I sat in front of Jimin and applied some alcohol on the cut. He winced a little but didn't say a word. Why the hell would Jungkook do this? "What even happened?" I asked Jimin. He looked down and then back up. "He still loves you Jae" He said. My eyes widened at what he said. I giggled at the fact that was true. "Really? I like your joke"  I said. "No seriously Jae" He said and sounded serious. I was dead confused about the fact that he loves me. Like what the fuck? "He told me not to touch you since your his" He continued. "Don't listen to him..." I told him "He doesn't "love" me" I said. I finished cleaning his cuts and put on a bandage. I threw the wrappers and sat down with him. "Im sorry" I told him. "For?" he asked while furrowing his brows. "You got hurt because of me...I don't even know what the fuck is with him" I told him. I leaned my head against his shoulder and he started to caress my hair. "It's not your fault" He said. I smiled. Right then Soojung and Tae burst in. "YAH ARE YOU GUYS OKAY?!" she asked as she checked my face for any scars. "Im fine" I said. "JIMIN WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" Tae asked as he looked at Jimin's face. "long story..." Jimin said. "Come on let's go" Soojung said. "You guys go I got to go somewhere.." I told them. "Where?" Tae asked. "Just somewhere okay?" I said and left.

Jimin's POV

And with that Jaehyun left. I feel like she is going to Jungkook and I didn't approve that. "She is going to Jungkook isn't she?" Soojung asked. Me and Tae nodded since we could feel that was gonna happen. "I'm going-" I cut her sentence. "No I am your a girl I'm a guy its better if I go" I said. "He is right" Tae said. "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean im not strong, I mean look at you right know your hurt" She responded. "Just let me go" I said and went. I went to the gym and no one was there..cafeteria and also no one was there.... I lastly went outside and saw her on the bench clutching her bag...crying...I went up to her and sat down. As soon as I sat down she wiped her tears and faked a smile. "Shouldn't you be going home?" she asked. "Why should I go home without you?" I replied. "Why are you crying?" I asked. "Me? crying? Im not crying" she said. "Don't lie come on..tell me.." I told her. She started to tear up again and tried to hold them back but couldent. Right then I hugged her and she burst out crying. "This is my fault...everything is my fault...people get hurt because of me..." She cried out. "Hey, dont cry. You're stronger then this Jae and you know that." I told her and she didn't stop. I allowed her to cry and let it all out.

Soojung's POV

"Soojung....where are you going..?" Tae asked nervously. "To teach that Jungkook bitch a lesson" I said. "Hey calm down...I know he hurt your best friend and Jimin but you need to calm down" he said. "I CANT TAE I FUCKING CANT. HE HAS BEEN LIKE THIS FOR SO FUCKING LONG. 2 FUCKING YEARS AND JAE HAS BEEN QUITE THE WHOLE TIME. AND NOW THAT I KNOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED I CANT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN." I shouted. I could feel myself tearing up. I clenched my fist and right then Tae hugged me. "Listen..I know he is a bitch we all know that....but you need to calm cant go now....right now you need to go home." he whispered while hugging me. I hugged him back and nodded.

Taehyung's POV

I could tell how hurt Soojung was. She is so fucking strong. What the hell is up with Jungkook? I dropped Soojung at her house and decided to go to Jungkook. "HYUNG!" he shouted as he was about to hug me. "Don't call me that Jungkook" I told him. He looked down and looked back up. "hyung?" he asked. "Jungkook sit down" I said as I patted the space on the couch. "What is up with you? Why are you hurting Jaehyun? Why are you hurting Jimin? Why are you hurting everyone she loves? Soojung was about to come and kill you today. Thank me that I stopped her or you would have died. Suga doesn't even know what you did to Jimin and im sure when he finds out it will be the end of you. Jungkook why have you become like this?" I continued. "Hyung...I don't know....its because of her.....One second I hate her then I love her...I don't even know my feelings towards her anymore.." he replied. "That doesn't mean you can go around hurt people. That doesn't mean you can play with her feelings Jungkook. Jungkook you weren't like this you use to love her what the fuck happened?" I asked. He didn't reply. Instead, he looked down and fiddled with his fingers. "No answer right? Jungkook make things right before you mess up more and everyone leaves you" I said and left.

Suga's POV

I heard the doorbell ring and I knew it was Jae and Jimin. I opened the door and saw Jimin with bandages on his face..."What the fuck happened?!" I asked as I helped him go inside. They both stayed quiet. "Jae what the fuck happened?!?" I repeated. "Jungkook happened..." she said. "The fuck? Him again? He did this?!? Jimin?!" I asked. Jimin nodded. That bitch. What is with him. "Both of you need some rest I'll get something to eat for you guys. "Hyung its fine I'm not hungry-" "Shut up and let me get you something to eat" I said since they had to eat I mean I won't let them starve to death. I made some ramen and came back to see Jae sleeping on Jimin's Lap. I smiled at the sight of Jimin playing with her hair and watching T.V. I placed the bowl of ramen on the table and told Jimin to eat. "Not without Jae...she hasn't eaten since morning.." he said. "Jae wake up" he whispered into her ear. she slightly moved but fell back asleep. Hyung she is not gonna wake up like that" I said while giggling. "Tickle her" I said. And with that, he ticked her. "YAHHHH NO NO NO NO I WILL WAKE UP!" she said and jolted up. We both laughed at her reaction. "Eat Jae" I said. She shook her head refusing to eat. "Here comes an airplane" Jimin said as he grabbed a spoon of ramen. She shook her head and covered her mouth. "no airplanes" she mumbled. "So rude Oppa is sad now" Jimin said. "Noooo don't be saddddd" Jaehyun said. "Then eat" Jimin said. She glared at Jimin then opened her mouth and with that Jimin fed her. "Jimin" She asked. Jimin didn't answer. "JIMINNNIEEEE" she asked again but nothing. "Hyung are you deaf? Jae is calling you" I said. He looked around "Jae? Who is Jimin?" He asked. Right then she knew what to do. "Oppa" she asked. "Yes?" he replied while smirking. "Why aren't you eating" she asked. "because you're not feeding me" he said. Then Jae fed him and I admit it was adorable. About 10 mins later they both fell asleep while cuddling. I tucked them in a blanket and went to....Jungkook's house.

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