Chapter 1 - The Accident

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I was turning 14 in a week. Everything in my life was perfect. I have amazing parents, But I was the only child.My parents have always been so kind and caring to me.They were the best and I love them with all
my heart.
The next day, after school I went out with my best friend to starbucks.we bought our drinks and we had a great time.When I
Was walking home, someone taller than me ran so fast and bumped into me. I fell so hard my head hit the ground and everything goes black.

The next thing I woke up in the hospital with a oxygen mask on and tubes all over me. I saw a guy I don't know sitting beside me with his head down. Sad. I moved trying to sit down and he heard me. He looked up and helped me.

???: "Here let me help you"
(Helps me sit up*)

Me:"thanks, what happened And who are you?"

???:"um, I am Sebastian and I was running too fast and bumped into you and you hit your head so hard on the ground."


Seb:"I-I am sorry"

(While looking down*)

A minute later my parents walked in worried and my mom crying.they hugged me and Sebastian introduced himself to my parents.
To be honest I think that Sebastian is pretty cute but I just met him lol.

My parents left the room to give a alone time with Sebastian and, things are pretty awkward.

(My parents left the room*)

Seb:"so what's your name?"


Seb:"how old are you?"


Seb:"oh I am 15"

(I smiled at him*)

Seb:"umm, can I have your number please?"
(He said shyly)

Me:"sure why not"

(I put my number in his phone*)

Seb:"thank you"

Me:"your wel-

We got interrupted by the doctor
He asked Sebastian to leave the room because the doctor had to check on me for a while.

Seb:"okay I have to go I'll text you when I get home."

Me:"okay, bye".


(We both smiled at each other*)

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