Chapter 3 - The day

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Seb POV*

Okay .today is the day. I am going out with y/n. I need to make it perfect. I am going to surprise her.

Y/n POV*

I hope my day with Seb will go well but I just found out that Sebastian was in the same school as me. Wow but I didn't see him in school and I think it is because he's older than me and he's in a different class but oh well. Plus, what do I wear ?? I have to wear something nice for school and I picked this;

 Plus, what do I wear ?? I have to wear something nice for school and I picked this;

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I meannn it's cute. I hope my day goes well.

Seb POV*
I just saw y/n walked pass me . Wow she's gorgeous .I couldn't get my eyes off her the whole day. I wish she was my girl. Cause I am so single. I wish I had her.

hours later,
Finally school end . I ran into the hallway trying to find y/n but I couldn't find her. Where is she? I have searched everywhere and I can't find her except outside of the school. And after a few minutes, I manage to find her but she's with another guy. She's kissing him. I was speechless.
Seeing a girl I had just fallen in love just kissed with another guy .my heart completely shatter into pieces seeing that. I felt heartbroken.
I just stood there and shock. And she noticed me.She said hey but I ran away . I don't know if that was the right thing to do but I couldn't stand seeing that in front of my eye. I thought she was single. But I was wrong. I am never going to talk to her again . Never.

Y/n POV*
Sebastian ran away when was supposed to hang out with me. Why on Earth would he do that?!? He wasted my time. I saw him in shock when I kissed my boyfriend. I think he was hurt. I felt stupid. Very stupid. WHY WOULD I DO THAT?!?! I know I just met him but I think I like him? No but I have a boyfriend.
At that point I was so stressed about who to choose. But I forgot about it and went to sleep.

A few hours later,

I woke up by the sound of people arguing and throwing things and shouting. It's 3:00am in the morning . Why would anyone do that? But anyways I went down quitely to check who was it and it was actually my parents arguing.I saw my dad threw things at my mom and my mom was on the floor. Crying. Begging my dad to stop. I cried silently trying not to make any noise.Until I saw my father was about to throw a vase at my mom and I have to stop it.
I Ran to my dad and I begged him and he pushed me away and that's when I took a glass and threw it on his head and the glass shattered and my dad falls on the ground.

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