Break Up

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A/N: Relationships aren't perfect. The sad reality that sometimes we hurt those people whom we love the most. Make or break. There are no shortcuts to pain and sadness but if we surpass them, it will surely make us and the relationship better.

Why do I sound so serious? Lol Keep calm and chill.

How will your man handle break up?

Yusuke's POV

I'm not gonna whine and lock my self out in the room like she did.
I tried to explain everything but she wouldn't listen. And now she's gonna avoid me like I'm some kind of a plague?

I'm going weather she like it not and there is nothing she can do to stop me.

I told this to my self a hundred times but the memory of our last conversation, if you can call it that, keeps coming back to my mind.


"Is that all you care about Yusuke? Nonstop fighting?!"

"Listen, this is important for me and I'll be back soon. I don't see any problem in that?!" I said raising my voice. Immediately I saw the pain in her eyes.

"You don't see anything coz all you care about is yourself!" she said starting to raise her voice as well.

"(Y/N), you're just making the situation worst!"

"So it's my fault now?" her voice serious and firm. "If you leave, it means we're over. Got it?"

Wanting to avoid the impending world war III, instead of answering, I laugh trying to make the mood lighter.

"Don't worry, I'll be back before you become an old maid. I'll bring some souvenirs too! Hahahaha!"

Oops, me and my insensitive mouth. The moment I said those words, I saw tears flow from her eyes.

She shut her apartment door to my face leaving me speechless for a few second. Deep inside me, there's something hurting. Is it my pride or feelings? I don't really know. And I didn't want to acknowledge it.

I don't know what kind of evil jerk spirit possessed me but I had the guts to say stupid things behind her close door.

"Hey, I'm serious! What kind of demon part you want for a souvenir?"

I secretly hope that she will laugh it out and open the door for me. No answer. I stayed there for an eternal 10 minutes, hesitant if I'll try again.

Slowly I walk away whistling like I don't give a damn.

A few days pass before the evil jerk spirit left me and I dropped by her house pretending like nothing happened. But she never answered. Is she really there or not?

I'm the one leaving but why does it feel that I'm the one being left behind?

Damn it!

Hiei's POV

I've been away for months. I totally lost track of time because of that mission. I wonder what she's been doing? I forgot to tell her about this before I left. I wanted to see her right now. Where could she be?

I easily located her in the human world. She's inside the restaurant so I hid and waited for the chance to greet her without being disturb by her annoying human friends.

It's been an hour. How much longer should I wait? Finally, her annoying human friend came out, and she was just right behind. I was captivated by her beauty. I didn't realize human clothing really suits her. She looks a lot different, more beautiful.

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