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❗️[trigger warning!self harm]❗️

dear hyung,

i've had a terrible day.

jungkook came home with dark sunglasses on, which was by itself really strange, because it had been raining heavily the entire day. and it's winter. school ends late and it was already dark outside when he came home. that wasn't the only wierd thing though, he was also being really rude and mean. i figured he just needed some time alone, but then hobi hyung texted me asking if he got home safely. he also asked me to go check on him so i did. he locked himself in the bathroom, hyung, but luckily, i had my spare key.

he was sitting on the floor, his wrists were bloody, he had a blackeye and he was crying so hard. his entire body was shaking real bad. there was a razor next to him, hyung.

i had no idea what to do, hyung. i swear i felt my heart break in a million pieces when i saw him there, sitting on the floor, crying his heart out. i know you would know what to do, hyung, when will you come back?

so i hugged him and i held him until he calmed down. i made him promise me to talk to me about stuff like this, but before we could really get into it, he fell asleep in my arms. he was so exhausted and so broken, hyung. i hope i'll be able to help him.

i cleaned and bandaged up his wrists. then i took him to my bed so i can be with him when he wakes up. he looks so peaceful, hyung. just sleeping there, with his eyes closed. he looks like an angel, so pure and innocent. i really want to protect him forever.

god, i'm crying so hard while writing this. they hurt him, hyung. someone hurts him at school and i didn't even realise because i was too busy feeling sorry for myself. i hate them, the bullies, i hate them so much. i hate that i didn't see the pain he's been in. i'm such a terrible best friend.

i love you so much, hyung. and i miss you so freaking much it physically hurts. please, stay safe, eat well and sleep well. i'll think of you a lot. you're the most important person in my life and i love you, never forget that. dammit, i love you so much. please come back to me.

yours jiminie

{a/n: hi!:) please always remember that there are people who love you. self harm is never the answer. take care of yourself. you are a great, amazing person. love yourself because that's what you deserve!💜}

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