Major Pick-Me-Up

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Matt Major? It's been a long time.

I keep getting an itch in my throat. But I don't wanna yell at anyone. Maybe I just wanna talk. Paula is shifting around in the seat next to me.

"...and I keep telling myself that, life is so sudden now. Part of me doesn't feel ready to be a mother."

"It's really up to you," Matt responds.

"I know,'s a child we're talking about. Doesn't feel right to just dump it."

I scoot closer to her. I wrap my arms around her chest, my hands going on her stomach.

"How do you feel about it, Peej?" Matt interjects.

I just shrug.

Matt puts a hand on his chin.

"I understand times are tough for you two. But I just finished college, and I don't feel at home there. If...if I moved in, would you let me help you?"

Paula springs up from her seat.

"Oh my God, yes. You don't understand how desperate I really am. Matthew Major, you are my best friend. If PJ can get help from his best friend, then DAMMIT, I CAN TOO!"

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