Major Concerns

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(Matt's POV)

"Hey, Peej?"

Paula and PJ are asleep, but I wanna ask PJ some questions.

"Peej. wake up."

Nothing. He's really out of it.
Then I remembered how Parappa would wake him up.

"I've got donuts."

PJ immediately sprang up, then gave me an annoyed look.

"Peej, I'm sorry I tricked you, but can we talk?"

PJ shrugs.

"Why was Parappa acting so strange around me? Does he not like me anymore?"

PJ shrugs again.

"Where's your notepad and why aren't you using it?" Now I'm the one with the annoyed look.

PJ reaches over the coffee table and pulls out his notepad.

"When I went out of state for college...did Parappa miss me at all?"

PJ wrote, "I know for a fact Paula was depressed when that happened. That's when we started being off-and-on partners."

"PJ, that's not what I asked. Did Parappa care about me?"

PJ told his notepad to his chest. He sighs, and nods his head no.

"Wait...he didn't miss me?"

PJ wrote, "Guess not."

"Why not?"

PJ shrugs.

"Peej, you're his best friend. You know him better than I do."

"What are you babbling about?" Paula muttered as she woke up.

"Parappa seemed kinda...flat when he noticed I was with you two," I replied, " and I wanna know why."

"Hell if I know," Paula went back to sleep.

Well, those two are big helps. Looks like I'm gonna have to go to the source.

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