• Over sized •

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Connor x Petite!Female!Reader


Connor can't find his jacket and asks Hank if he knows where it is to no avail. Hank tells him to find it himself. The reader walks by wearing his jacket and he starts to realize how cute she looks after looking her over for a long period of time. She tries to give it back but Connor insists she keeps it, flirting with her in the process. She proceeds to get an anime nosebleed and Connor does what he was "made to do."

I stole it. I successfully stole Connor's jacket without him noticing. Well, at least for a moment...

"Lieutenant, do you know where my jacket is?" I hear Connor from a few desks away. I and Hank were friends and he knew that I had taken a liking to the android sent by Cyberlife the day I met him. He tends to "act fatherly towards me" since he and I don't have much family around Detroit as of late. I can tell Hank is trying not to laugh as he says his next sentence, "I know where it is but I'm not gonna tell ya, you're gonna have to find it yourself." He stutters at moments, stifling his laugh.

I feel a rush of confidence in me and I stand, walking past Hank's desk towards the vending machines nearby. I feel a hand place itself on my shoulder before I fully pass the two. I turn, already knowing that the hand belongs to Connor. "Yes, Connor?" I ask and he tilts his head, his LED flickering to yellow as he looks over my person. "That's where my jacket went, huh?" He continues to look over my body as we stand in silence

- Connor's PoV -

She took my jacket off my chair after I had walked off I assume. I look over her form noticing every detail of how big my jacket is compared to her body. The couple inches of the sleeve that fall past her fingertips. How one side is barely even sitting on her shoulder. And mostly where the bottom of my jacket sits. Mid-thigh. She looks perfect...

"Do you need it?" The sentence that pulls me out of my trance. I look over her one last time before I shake my head. "Are you sure? I only wanted to try it on for a bit." I place both my hands on her shoulders and look her in the face. "I'm sure, besides you look better in it anyways." I wink and I see her face turn a bright pink. "You should steal it more often." I kiss her cheek and then sit at the desk I use when assisting Hank with our cases.

- Reader's PoV -

Did he just?? Kiss my cheek??? I apparently squeal externally because I hear Hank chuckle, "You alright kiddo? It looks like you might be losing some blood." I raise a brown and before I can ask what he's talking about Connor gets up and walks over to me. He swipes two fingers under my nose and when I see them, they have blood on them. I rush away to grab some tissues but what I don't see is Connor lick the substance off his fingers. I do however hear Hank scream loudly at Connor and hear the impact of Hank hitting him in some way.


I've got a few one-shots stocked up and I'm gonna post the next one after I get another done. I'm thinking of always having 3 stocked up just in case. so there might be more than one post today. I hope you enjoyed this oneshot and I'm happy to say that I think I've gotten rid of my writer's block and artist's block I had not too long ago. I'm also happy to say I'm going to going Hamacon tomorrow with a really good friend of mine. If you end up going tell me and I'll see if I can meet you!

Connor x Reader Oneshots ((COMPLETE))Where stories live. Discover now